Height / 40 meters (45 yards)
Weight / 35,000,000 kilograms(77,000,000 pounds)
Age/ 20,000 years old

Side View

Front View

Behind View

He can only fight for 3minutes on our planet.
This light notices the remain of his life on the Earth with winking by red color.   

Alien BALTAN: Most famous alien in the Ultra-Series.
They came and tried to invade the Earth for many times. 
And Ultraman defeated them for three times.

Ultraman trying to shoot 'Ultra-Slash (YATSUZAKI-KORIN)'

Space Dinosaur 'Z-TON': Alien Z-ton' had come to invade the earth in a countless spacecraft team taking this monster from their home planet  to invade the Earth. 

Any Ultraman's mortal work were not effective against this monster at all.
And so at last, Z-TON had beaten Ultraman by the fire of 1 trillion-degree centigrade.
Z-TON was repulsed with the new arms of a science special criminal-investigation party (KATOKU-TAI).
Ultraman was given the life again by ZOFFY: the messenger of the country of light and the space garrison chief.
And Ultraman returned to the land of the light (HIKARI no KUNI) in M78 nebula.
