since2002.10since1999.12 yesterday today


$B%b%s%5%s%_%7%'%k$X$NF|5"$j(IJ^=B10$B!#(B The day's trip bus tour to Mont-Saint-Michel.
$BM-L>$J%7!<%I%k$r0{$`!#(BI drink famous cider.
$BM-L>$J$U$o$U$oMq$N%*%`%l%D(B The famous omelet which is an egg lightly.

An extreme narrow alley.
$BJ| Radiation was a low value.
$BLk$N%+%b$NFy$NM The supper of the meat of the duck of night was very delicious.
It will be Paris in the city in 10:00 night.
The Eiffel Tower was very beautiful with the illuminations for 5 minutes.

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