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Joined: 10 Apr 2003
Posts: 61

PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:21 am    Post subject: Relentless Reply with quote

Relentless made a lot of enemies on Ardan, some may say we deserve to have our town destroyed and I totally agree that those that ask for trouble WILL receive it and DO deserve it. Let's take a look at what we did to incur the wrath of the Ardan server.

Relentless was created on Day 1 of the Ardan server going up, Jekkyl, Hydhe, Vorin and myself levelled up fast and furiously, saving every gold piece we made along the way to put towards the town we wanted to create. As soon as we had sufficient funds we bought our TOL seed and headed out to plant in the spot we had chosen before even starting on Ardan. Hours later I was excitedly checking the map.. "where is it, where is it??? It's not showing on map!" The following day we log in and finally the map had updated, and to our surprise, a few hours before us, Genesis had planted next door. We had had no contact with Gen at all, it was kind of amusing that we chose the same area to plant. Back to levelling! The grind was getting to us, being from PvP and RvR games we eventually needed to have some people to kill, it wasn't long before the perfect opportunity came for us to draw some enemy lines. Commander Rune... We approach, 3 people on track... Genesis. We ignore them and proceed to Aelginar the Elflord, engage him... lo and behold if these Genesis guys don't come over and start attacking the mob, looting as soon as he died, we took great offence and killed two, the looter was summoned, there goeth the Commander Rune, and there be our enemy.

We found it amusing and convenient that they were right next door, when we felt like PvP, we just trotted on over to say hi. We continued to work hard for our city, saving everything, building forges and inn, cheering at the sage for the day we could make a BC and rid ourselves of the unsavoury neighbours next door. Meanwhile Genesis would visit us while we slept, their weapons with life drain proc's causing substantial damage to our unprotected buildings, it was a dangerous time for us as we waited for our RM to rank up high enough to protect our most valuable assets.

Over time, MANY Ardan residents used our City for trade, we made many friends, we had a lot of people that just flew in to buy/sell, we had many more that stayed for a chat. AFTA, SHADE, Kelly Gang, Still Waters, all used our town and pledged their support if we were ever to be attacked, in turn we pledged our support to those people. Over discussions with those guilds leaders we discovered a common enemy with some... Genesis. It was decided we would place a Bane Circle on Gen City, we had the support of our allies, and so it was done.

Genesis chose a bad time to activate the bane circle for the attackers, we were late in approaching Genesis city with our 3 group strong force. Anticipation turned to shock however as we attacked Genesis to be greeted by 3 times our numbers, many shouting racist comments, many chanting Pro-Chinese drivel, and of course... we were debilitated by render lag. 2 x sb.exe for me alone simply RUNNING to Genesis city, once there, people dying around me and reporting lagging directly into the enemy force, trying to heal people standing right next to me and getting target out of range messages... we fought hard as long as we could and eventually conceded the win to Genesis, and lag.

Relentless IC gathered after the Genesis siege and discussed the nights events. Extremely disappointed in the server performance for the battle, wondering what game we had to play in order to PLAY the game, and Hydhe quit. It was quite obvious to us the game wasn't built for seiging... contrary to the description on the box. As we sat there discussing where we go from here, I received many tells from many people explaining the sudden influx of support for Genesis.


Whether or not Wolfpack turn a blind eye to the obvious issue here, it exists, it prospers, it grows daily. The entire Chinese population on Ardan feasted on Relentless and its allies as a result of the propaganda spread by Genesis prior to siege night. "Relentless hate all Chinese", "Relentless are racists", "Relentless must die for their racism against all Chinese".

Of course, there is little hope of Relentless refuting these statements, we don't speak the same language. I sat for hours post Genesis-Siege and talked to Icelanders GM, Simonio, and conveyed my disgust with the notion that we are racists, that we hate Chinese, that we hate ANYONE based upon race. Our city was intended for trade, how were we proposing to prosper in trade if we hated all non English speaking people? After hours of talks Icelanders and Relentless agreed to be neutral toward eachother, but in the process if we were to meet in battle supporting our respective allies... that was something that we would accept, however distasteful.

HUGH Jyeno, and "Yellow Helms" (I must use this term because their guild name uses Asian characters, unintelligable for English speakers), were a large part of the force supporting Genesis, chanting racist remarks at us, spewing forth comments during the siege that disgusted me. We knew they would be our enemy from this time on, Relentless members were permitted to engage these 3 guilds and Genesis if they met. Relentless have always been PK restricted to those that are our enemies. Our allies again conveyed their support against these guilds, until such time as the Kelly Gang entered a truce agreement with HUGH.

After talks with Kelly Gang I agreed to be non-aggressive against HUGH, although warned Relentless members to take care, as we hadn't personally talked with HUGH, and it takes some time for information to filter down the line. We seemed to have no problem however, no direct conflict with HUGH members, everything seemed peaceful. This was quite a relief to me, being impossible to function in large scale war I was prepared to stay low and be non-aggressive at ALL until such time as the servers enabled us to fight. The difference between Relentless and many other bigger guilds is that we rely on tactics and thinking faster and better than others to win our fights. This is IMPOSSIBLE in lag situations where your reaction is 2 minutes ahead of your actual action in game. Anyone with bigger numbers will win a fight in Shadowbane... there is no skill, you may HAVE skill but you can't use it vs lag.

There came a time where we had to decide where we were going to place trainer buildings, after debating back and forth we decided to place them in Casa for convenience sake, we didn't want a second TOL, we kept our heads down and didn't cause any trouble elsewhere, we were semi-confident that we could repel attackers, and the trainers would be the first on the server. We thought people would appreciate that long enough for Relentless members and Relentless customers to train, long enough for people to use those trainers, if there came such a time that we would be unable to defend them, we assumed that most people would have used them by then. Our concern was mostly for our forges, trainers you can only use for so long. Knowing all of this, we absolutely KNEW we were taking a risk with unprotected buildings, we accepted that risk.

Within days of our trainers being placed we received word that Fharlanghn had trainers in their city. After a complete check of every town on Ardan and the sudden appearance of 4million gold in our Inns strongbox, we confirmed what we had feared. Mr Fharlanghn had used an exploit to bypass our locked Inn doors and interact with our Steward and buy trainers. Trainers that we had refused to sell to even our ALLIES as it directly competed with our trainers. We petitioned CSR's reporting the exploit, after HOURS of trying to explain that there was NOWHERE else that he could have bought these trainers, they eventually agreed that he had used an exploit to obtain these trainers. That's it. Mr Fharlanghn exploited, but there would be no repercussions as a result. They wouldn't remove the trainers, to my knowledge he wasn't suspended for exploiting, they did nothing about a PROVEN EXPLOITER.

Needless to say we visited Mr Fharlanghn and used Mafia tactics to force him to dismiss those trainers. Within hours he had replaced them... apparently he bought spares...

Things moved along somewhat quietly, small scale PvP, nothing major had happened, the risk we took placing unprotected trainers had thus far proven to be ok aside from the fact that 3/4 trainer buildings had miraculously lost their Rank 3 building hitpoints. On further investigation our Tree of Life had also reverted from 220k hitpoints to only 80k hitpoints. I've posted enough on this matter on these boards, I accepted it was a serious issue that it would take them time to resolve, I was patient...

We were somewhat bitter however, that regardless of the locked gates, 3 expensive-to-maintain-guard houses (2 fully ranked), many many wall and gatehouse guards, that attackers were able to reduce 7 buildings to rubble, as soon as the Relentless IC logged out at about 2:30am, in a matter of a couple of hours.

You may not sleep.

All of our defensive security was ineffective and useless unless we had someone on 24/7. Even then, you may lock yourself inside a building and repair til the end of days, only... attackers exploit to get inside your "locked" buildings, nothing is ever done because CSR's don't see the offenders. Entire GROUPS flying into your buildings to kill the only defensive action you have vs attackers... a repairer. Let alone that the buildings had lower hit points than the Rank 3 buildings that we were paying for. Must have taken an hour off the time it should have taken to destroy those buildings alone.

4 of those 8 trainers were due to rank to 7 that very day, we took the risk, we lost, we accepted that and moved on. Now down to discovering who did this... The rumors were flying around, then we eventually found 2 people that had been there taking down names for our use later. Genesis... Jyeno... Yellow Helms... HUGH! Icelander!!!

We discussed HUGH and Icelander involvement. Now something I probably shouldn't be saying but... this entire time during our non-aggressive pact with Icelander all of Relentless IC were telling me I was stupid to trust them, what had they ever done but attack us during the Genesis siege, when had they ever proven non-aggressive. OK... so I set out to talk with Simonio, he swears that Icelander refused to take part in the destruction of our town... I tell him people reported Icelanders there, he says they are wrong... I believe him... I believe that in every conflict you will get your random person from guild XX that shouldn't be there but probably doesn't know any better, or is friends with XX that randomly summoned him there. Either way I believed Icelander wasn't there as a force, rather that maybe they had 1-2 ppl there that shouldn't have been. Now HUGH... We were furious, there were a number of HUGH people there in force, so much for neutral... We paid a visit to HUGH later that day, took control of their city for a few hours, eventually zerged out of there after causing substantial damage to his buildings that were immediately repaired. It cost them money, nothing more, however we don't exploit into locked buildings to kill the repairer.

Later that day the zerg descended upon Casa, everything was protected, however Jekk and I were in town alone as they flew over the walls. We locked ourselves in the Cathedral as they proceeded to take hammers to some buildings we had replaced, and our gatehouse. During this period I had talks with HUGH IC, they swore they were neutral, hadn't attacked our town overnight, wanted to be a trading town, and to show good faith would leave Casa right now. They proceeded to leave, leaving a small force of Genesis, Jyeno and Yellow Helms, which dispersed after we summoned people to help. During this hour or so long period we had people exploiting fly again into our Cathedral trying to kill us, petitioned... again no consequences for the cheats, just for the people on the receiving end of their exploiting and cheating that must stand by helplessly and watch... and petition... and get frustrated when the end result is NOTHING.

My memory fails me here I believe that something triggered these following events, it was perhaps the Kelly Gang attacking Yellow Helms town and destroying all unprotected buildings... I could very well be wrong though. BUT as a result a wave of enemy again descended on Casa, placing a bulwark at the front Gatehouse obviously intending to destroy it. But... the big shocker(seems I was the only one shocked), Icelander in force... attacking Casa... I briefly talked with Simonio, he claims that being allied with the Kelly Gang brought the wrath of Icelander upon us. You may recall we had discussed this prior, we had both agreed that we may very well meet in battle, but would never attack eachother. *COUGH* yet here they were banging on our doors. The attackers were despatched after one of the best fights I had had yet in Shadowbane. A 3 hour battle beating back the enemy, minimal crashes, none for myself personally. It's incredibly different when you can actually FIGHT effectively with minimal lag issues.

So there I was looking foolish to the rest of Relentless IC at my belief in... hrmm what is it... Honor? Loyalty? Trust? Unsure... but regardless it doesn't exist on Ardan. Let's skip over the part where I beat my head against the wall for 3 hours berating my belief in human nature... it wasn't pretty.

It came time to prepare for the Bane Circle on Five Finger Discount, Kelly Gangs town. We had pledged support and contrary to other guilds on Ardan, we remain loyal to our allies, even when they make us get up early &&$%#^@^#!!!! We were heavily outnumbered, fought valiantly, lost vs their first rush and we regrouped and made a second charge. This time we took down more than twice our numbers before being gradually beaten back by sheer numbers, again terrible lag issues and crashing for all involved. We conceded TKG town would fall and regrouped at Casa.

While standing around at Casa and trading battle stories and arguing over who got the most Kill Shots (I swear it was me), we detected 2 groups of enemy approaching Casa. We prepare for incoming... and it was no surprise when we got the message declaring war. A Bane Circle had been placed on Casa by Yellow Helms... odd thing was that the main force that placed the bane was Icelander. Are you so afraid to show your true colors? The Anti PK guild couldn't be seen to be placing a Bane Circle, No Sir... that just wouldn't fit in with their image of pristine Anti PK'ness. The truth is, Icelander are opportunistic liars hiding behind the facade of "Anti PK" meanwhile indiscriminately attacking trading towns and claiming "We had no choice..." We paid a visit to Icelander later that day to repay the favor, using their own defences against them... a fully closed in city, walled in with NO STAIRS. We stayed up on the walls for almost 4 hours, archers destroying their bank and a forge and deranking another forge. Icelander helpless to do anything but watch since they had no access to their own walls. Smart move...

Of course, they had to retaliate. Our 16 people at Icelanders City were hit back with the combined forces from 5-6 guilds. 80-100 people descend upon Casa, our group holed up in the Cathedral battling valiantly, opening the doors and AoE'ing them all intermittently, the stupid fools standing there in front of the doors as we opened them and nuked them all killing almost all of them at least once, some more stupid than others standing there and dying over and over again. The main force eventually moved from the Cathedral, placing bulwarks at the south end of Casa with the intention of taking out the walls, a wise move, Casa's greatest defence is the walls. During this time we had to deal with them cheating, group flying INTO the Cathedral, killing them each time but nonetheless frustrated at the lack of any support from CSR's... oh yeah they didn't "see it" so uhmm... yea continue to exploit please... you have no fear of any repurcussions.

The entire time of this siege last night I had to listen to Racist comments being shouted, I had to listen to idiots and their disgusting sexual comments in say and tells over and over, I petitioned about harrassment, no response... SURPRISE...

After almost 2 hours of seiging on Casa where we were repairing walls as they were damaging them, the server decided to boot half of us from the game.

I sat here for an hour fighting the login server to no avail.
Many people tried for many more hours to get past the login server... no joy...

I woke up this morning finally able to log in... half of our walls gone, all due to the login server.
I prepare to place new walls, wondering why everyone in Casa was ignoring me, thank God for IRC so we could communicate in game because all the chat channels weren't working...
We destroy the bulwarks set up in town... only they're still there, bugged somehow... with artillery captains still in place
I get booted out of game after 15minutes
I have spent the past 8 hours attempting to log in and replace our walls before BC becomes active in 24 hours.
I discover that there is a patch on Monday, BC day.
I begin to laugh hysterically
Server will be down for 6 hours, 6 hours of preparation time, building bulwarks... taken from us
Servers will come back up (scheduled) at 5pm Aust time... 2 hours prior to BC activation time.
I reminisce about the last patch... and the time it took to download... 2 days... 2 days for some of us to be able to recommence playing after a patch...

Relentless IC has discussed these serious problems and realized that our months of work will be gone due to login issues and patch server. Not because we are unable to defend our town, but because we are PHYSICALLY unable to be there due to the game being broken.

All this time, so many issues, so many problems not resolved, so many exploits that nothing were done about...

If we are able to log in prior to BC time we will likely remove everything from vendors and destroy the town ourselves.

We will not fight the servers for our town, we will not have people claiming victory over Relentless when the real victor is the server, it's downtime, it's login servers, and the inability to do anything about the continuing problems this game is having, and the devastating effect it has on owners of cities.

It's far too easy to destroy what has taken months to create... and far too hard to recover from it. Money isn't and has never been the issue, the TIME invested in creating vs the TIME taken to destroy is just way off base.

Thank you to those supporting us in the past, your loyalty and persistence won't be forgotten.

Just a final note to Wolfpack/ET, racism was the SINGLE deciding factor in the destruction of our town, it began with racist propaganda, and it continued for the duration of our time on Ardan. You have a serious problem.

And a question, out of curiousity more than anything: Weren't China to have their own server? Whatever happened to that?
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Joined: 10 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh in case I forgot to mention... we won't be playing this game any longer.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I guess now they will systematically take down all non chinese speaking cities...

I remember during the raid at Icelander, they had a few Japanese allies. Good luck to those nihon-jin once the Chinese players all hit R6 and have nothing to do, cause you'll be next....
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Joined: 01 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 11:20 am    Post subject: What can I say... Reply with quote

Well.... I must admit im not surprised.

The amount of <cough> that people have to put up with in this game is unbelievable. I won't bother listing all the problems and drawbacks, thats been done to death and anyone who's played the game much is familiar with them. I'd assume even ET and WP are aware... though they do seem to have a nice pair of blinkers on.

But all I can say is that, on Ardan at least, Aussie/NZ/English-only speaking players are all, across the board, getting slowly fed up with this game.

I am from D!E - Darkness is Everywhere. Hardcore PvP guild, played UO for ages, DaoC, some played AC, a few were in EQ. Nevertheless, we've played alot of online MMORPG's as a group. The majority of us have been together for years, and our core has been together for =SIX= years as a guild. We've always been *reasonably* small but good PvP players. Its just what we are. So, as far as MMORPG's go, we have about as much experience as any other aussie guild.

About 2 weeks ago, once ET announced that they were going to start billing for SB, we almost uniformly decided that SB just wasn't worth paying for. Myself and about 3 D!E members stayed on. In the delusional hope things may get better. The other 20 or so D!E members said stuff this and quit. (Bye bye $200 a month ET).

I subsequently joined The Kelly Gang, more than happy to have the few D!E left over. A couple more fellow PvP oriented aussies.
And you know what? Nothing has been fixed. The next patch doesn't even begin to address the host of known errors. Now people in TKG are talking about quitting, and i can see very clearly that when the billing date comes up, chances are a fair few in TKG will do exactly what D!E did - quit. The same rumblings are occuring. (Bye bye $200 a month ET).

Now relentless look like they are quitting too. (Bye bye even more cash ET).

And guess what. That takes out the majority of the Aussie/ENglish based guilds. I know, there are still a very few left, but, all you racist asians rejoice.

Within a month, ET will be getting $0 from aussies playing on ardan.
Because we will all have quit.

And not because we get zerged by racist asians (its fun, i like fighting bad odds as long as i =CAN= actually fight), but because ET, WP, Ubi... aren't catering to what the players want. End of story. Goodnight.

I sure as hell wont be paying for this game.
(Bye bye $10 a month ET).

Must admit, it's kinda dissapointing. You had a very good base concept here. But you couldn't follow through. You couldn't give the players what they want.

It's sort of like offering a brand spanking new car, with a super-engine thats faster than anything else on the market. And then deciding that you'll just have to give it square wheels and providing it ONLY in a vomit-green with pink pokka-dots paint job, because it saves money. May be good in theory, but no ones going to pay for it icon_rolleyes.gif
Vandrius - 52 Priest
Hammers - 39 Barbie
Calista - 35 Assassin
Dance - 38 Ranger
Vanya - 24 Gimp Fur
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Joined: 13 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 12:20 pm    Post subject: Bye Reply with quote

I did log in to say goodbye - but the chat system doesnt seem to work. What is worse it that stealth/hide doesnt work either, so my goodbye to Jyano wasn't as successful as I hoped.

Anyway, for all the reason stated above, I wont be logging back into SB again.

Thanks to all the people that made the game fun between the frustration:

Eti, Jek, Hydhe, Vorin, Polly, Rum, Unf, TKG, and everyone ive forgotern.


Astridgell - Assassin
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Joined: 25 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 12:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its a pity, had so many good times playing but the bad bits ended up outweighing the good.. next thing to do I guess is find a new game.

Just wish the kellys, shade and afta luck as they have a tough battle on their hands against WAY superior numbers and quite frankly are good people!

Im not completley dismissing SB just taking an extended leave (lets say.. 1yr!) till they work some kinks out. Alot of thanks to Eti and co who have helped me out in yet another game and put up with my constant crap! (even helped lvl my stupid bird after I bitched and moaned for ages till they were released). God im going to miss our duo Pk runs Ast icon_sad.gif

I could list all the reasons to quit but I assume most of the people I actually liked heard em already since Im not one to keep my mouth shut when Im angry!

So Eti whats next! I hear ubsoft is publishing PS for Australia/NZ!! icon_razz.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah i saw planetside in store this arvo - if they release local servers it might be worth a shot...

Planetside US server, 450ping = not the best for a MMOFPS.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 1:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Planetside is extremely fun, even though they have servers in the US when I was playing open BETA it didnÕt lag much, at most 10 sec in a major battle. Emphasize major, like 50+ v 50+. very fun, but i think you can get ranks really fast and it will get boring after sometime unless you are constantly in combat. I spent a ton of time waiting in the sanc waiting to get a group, but hey it was 4AM in the US icon_biggrin.gif. Some features which are upcoming in the game such are sancuary strike is nearly impossable to acheive. Its already hard holding the continents which you have direct acess to.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

=( Cya Relent...

If i dont speak to ya's before ya go was fun speaking to you Etiena and Ast, too closest buddies in relent, you will be missed =/

I'll keep fighting on, even if I don't have a town to call home... ahah.. /cry or till i have no one to play with =)

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend
will be sitting next to you saying, "That was awesome"
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Joined: 22 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

funny eh how all these sb server downs seems to side the chinese
im a chinese myself, but i was one of those who power lvled with eti, hydhe n jekk when ardan was up the 1st day..
dont quit plz eti, jekk and hydhe
there's still morloch
we need more ppl like u here

there's another racist war going on in morloch server, and just bcos noble's leader is a hong kee but decide to side with the one, ttc and tao
he's called a chinese traitor
can u inmagine that
hope u could change ur mind
u need power lvling im here icon_smile.gif
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems very complicated.

In fact, many players like me didnÕt think so much.
IÕm a Taiwanese player, and I am a free man in Ardan (no fixed guild).
Most time on playing this game, I pl with Taiwaner, Hker, Australian, Japanese ppl.
I sit under TOL of KT city to find a group as others.
Few ppl to play the game is racism. No one were kicked from a group bcz where he from.
Language maybe is a problem, but not really. Most part of Hker can speak both English and Mandarin very well, Most part of Twer and Japanese speak a little English. Japanese even can read some Chinese characters.
Everything of this game seems so fun and so good.
Until those horse-stealer appeared. TKG, I mean.
These guys pk ppl from their backside when ppl faced ants, drakes, and those relentless MOB. We didnÕt no what happened and we died. Their level is high and pk skill is good. The very sadly reality is, if lucky, may be we only got 1 time pk in 1 day. All my enemy list is filled with TKG player.
Everyone hates pker wherever he is from. As I no, Japanese had an anti-pker campaign outside KT.
From then on, we donÕt like adding Australian player into our group. Why? Bcz he or she may be is a spy of TKG. Pker will find where we r. Think about it, plz. This mistake is very easily to happen.
The 1st time guild war I joined, My fds and me stand by Genesis.
Why? Racism ? I donÕt think so.
We just donÕt know why CASA wanna kick Genesis out. They didnÕt make any mistake as I no.
The 2nd time guild war, Yellow HelmsÕs (Peace Rangers) GM post a thread which declared Icelanders BC-ed TKG and the war time is Sat. Morning. AM5:27.
What a chance to kill these pkers back!!!
We were asked to declare to TOL of Yellow Helms be4 AM4:30. Then changed the mark to be Icelander under the tree.
Many ppl we had pl together appeared at that time. Commander told us we have a Japanese ally, I didnÕt feel excited. As I no, Japanese very very hate pkers.
And I had found many Japanese fds we had pl together in the battlefield.
ThatÕs not an even war. The ratio is about 100:20.
Plz think about it, what active drived these ppl waked up at am4:00 to prepare. (Japanese time is am3:00)

When we hited 2nd or 3rd building. From buildingÕs mark we had found, TKG became CASAÕs sub-guild.
The rumor that CASA support and protect TKG seems to be true.
A guild which protect TKG to destroy rest guilds and develop trade- trainer system from the base. ThatÕs what many Taiwanese and Japanese players think about CASA right now. And it reasonlize why CASA developed so soon.

After reading ur article, I think many mistakes here.
Good luck to u n sorry about my poor English.

Btw, I noticed the story of Strengh and Honor thread.
That story was obvious made up.
Why? Bcz, as I no, IcelanderÕs major members r Taiwanese. We use Trad. Chinese in Taiwan, and the post is Sym. Chinese. We even hard to type these words by trad. Chinese Windows OS. Besides, many words and grammar is wrong. The one who made up this story is non-sense about the difference between Taiwan and China.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You had to know in advance it was not going to be an even war. TKG is a guild of around 25-30 people, which you could easily have found out by clicking on our crest on the map. When we fight icelander, yellowhelms, jyeno etc, we always had 10-15 people.

When you come to siege us, you bring well over 100 people. Why? Because you're not interested in fighting. You're not interested in a good "fair" conflict. You just want to crush. And that is fine, but it just doesn't interest us.

We have found that most people who play don't care about having good fights. They just want to "win". In order to get fights on even terms in even numbers, we have to go out and pick fights, hence we are "PKers". If we have organised wars, the enemy just zergs you with more people than your computer can render.

Here's an example:
Yesterday we went to ice island with 9 people, and went to the Order of the Chaos Shield city. We sat outside the locked gates, calling them out. They had 13 people in town, who were very high level, just as we are. We stood and waited, and they refused to fight us. They summoned help in, till there were 20 of them.. They still wouldnt come out.. 25 of them... 30.... They were still hiding out in their city, refusing to fight 9 of us at a more than 3 to 1 advantage. When they got to 35 people on the other side of the gate, and still wouldn't fight us, we gave up and left.

Things like this happen every time. People wont fight you on even terms.

If I have to go around picking fights with random people I encounter to get some good combat on even terms, then that is what I do.

If you enjoyed the 100 vs 20 zerg swarming of our city, then cool. We will continue running around like guerillas, attacking groups as we find them, because it's the only way to get a decent fight in this game.

We will put up another tree, and you will no doubt once again zerg it with 100+ people. We probably wont even bother turning up to defend, cause what's the point?

People complain when we turn up to their city with siege weapons and destroy all their unprotected buildings withing launching an official siege. But then they attack cities at 5am when everyone is asleep, and they bring OVER ONE HUNDRED people to siege a city with 20 defenders.

The excuse that you use to explain your massive numbers, the one about us PKing around khar is utter bs. Genesis PKs around Khar MUCH more than we do. You people fight with Genesis on your SIDE. If you hate PKers so much why are you teaming up with a PK guild?

It's got nothing to do with pking. It's got to do with race. How else do you explain the ridiculous flaming HUGH is copping on the forums for not joining the Chinese "jihad" of us. Yes, we read those forums too. Not all Australians only speak English. icon_smile.gif

Amon Ra,
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dont worry.

You start feeling better after the first few days of not playing SB.
Then after a week your over it and see it for the crap game it really is.
It was nice while it lasted....

oh wait, no it wasn't.

Darkness !s Everywhere [D!E]
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