The chronological table of Karafuto (Sakhalin)


Mongolia vs Kugai(骨嵬) War

There lived aborigines. the Wiruta in the mid, the Nivufu (Gilyak) in the northern, and the Kugai (Karafuto_Ainu) in the Southern, while hunting, fishing, and trading.

1264 The Giremi (one of Nibufu tribes), living along the lower Heilungjiang river, told Kubirai-Khan that the Kugais invade in their territory almost every year.

1264 Mongolia empire dispatched 3000 of troops in Sakhalin and brought under control. That is considered to be a correspondence step for aggression of Ainu.

1273 Mongolia empire planned another attack, but there was not freezing of Mamiya Channel. So the campaign was not executed.

1274 Mongolia attacked Japan (Bun-ei war)

1281 Mongolia attacked Japan (Ko-an war)

1284 The Kugai rebelled to Mongolia empire. Mongolia attacked the Kugai three times for three years. As a result, troops of Kugai dispersed.

1297 The Nibufu (Gilyak) claimed to the Yuan dynasty that the Kugai camed across the sea, and were trying to take the Nivuhu's Hawk-hunters into captives of them. (Nakamura explains about its background that "Eagle feathers was the representative product of the Ainu trade in Japan, and the Ainu was aiming to control the hawk feather / the eagle feather circulation" )

1297.5 The Kugai invades and attacks in the area of lower Heilungjiang river, and has battles between the troop of the Yuan dynasty in the neighborhoood of Kiji lake. (Next is the mention with a certain documents. 1. "Wain" the chief of Kugai crossed the sea with Gilyak's ship, and made a revolt.  2. "Hurenku", another Kugai chief attacked across the sea from "Kata" of the north Sakhalin West Coast. All was broken by Yuan's armed forces. M.Kaiho argues that the Ando clan, Ezo chief administrator

1308 The Kugai surrendered to the Yuan dynasty. Gyokuzendo, Gaei, the chieves of the Kugai offered to be subect to the Yuan by mediations of Nivuhu's chieves. It was made as the condition to bring the tribute of furs.

1411 The Min empire was cocluded after the Yuan. Like the Yuan, the Min got the Heilungjiang down stream area. It established "Ei" (government office) in three places including Sakhalin and traded with it with Ainu.

Karaafuto Ainu makes ties with Matsumae clan.of

1445 A Sakhalin inus subordinates Nobuhiro Takeda, presenting an ink tile "Dojakudai". Nobuhiro Takeda was only a chief administrator of Ezo governor-general Ando clan, but he have already grasped real power.

1510 Yosihiro Kakizaki, the 5 generation descendant of Nobuhiro Takeda, met the Imperial adviser Hideyoshi. He was added to the clan of relatives, and was treated as Ezo landowner including Sakhalin.

1599 Yosihiro receives the oath paper about rule of Yezochi from Ieyasu Tokugawa. He changes the family name afterward from Kakizaki to Matsumae. Matsumae is the name of famiy, clan, and the name of its capital.

1602 Mateo Ricci, Society of Jesus propagator to China, made the world map. Hokkaido is figured as an island, but the names of cities written on it are the names of Honshu realy. There is not Sakhalin on the map.

1603 Matsumae clan installed the house of governmental officials in Soya. It ruled Rishiri, Rebun and Sakhalin besides Soya prefecture.

1635 Matsumae clan dispatched Kamonzaemon Murakami in Sakhalin patrol. (Other documents notate "Kamozaemon Sato") The first landing ground is "Ysshamu" near the cape Nishi-Notoro.

1636 Shozaemon Kodo, maybe a subuordinate of Murakami, passed the winter season there, and then took a course to the north, and reached to Taraika. Matumae clan explored Karahuto again in 1650, 1679, and 1689.

1643 Dutch voyager Melten de fleece explores Sakhalin. He landed Kushunkotan, and reached Shisuka and Cape Kita-Shiretoko. He could not discover Soya Channel and reported that Karahuto was not separated by water with Hokkaido. (Kushunkotan was renamed to Korsakov in 1875, and re-renamed to Odomari in 1908)

1644 Qing (Shin) unifies China. It put Amur basin and the northern part of Sakhalin to its territory. Shin obliged peoples to tributr furs et cetras. And gave them clothing or cloth of cotton textiles as a reward. It is a certain variables of the trading. So such rule system let trade activity of inhabitants of Amur and Sakhalin activate very much.

1644 The Edo Shogunate makes "Shoho illustrated map of the father land." Sakhalin is figured as a north big island of Hokkaido.

1658 Nerchinsk has been consructed. Russia began to magnify its maps to the east.

1669 Matsumae Clan sent ships to Karafuto acquiring "Eburiko", medical mushrooms.

1679 Matsumae Clan constructed Fort "Ana-Jinnya" in Kushunkotan. It began the reclamation as a Japanese fishing ground. However this fort was closed only 5 years later.

1683 The Qing dynasty force attacked Russian fortresses along the lower Amur.

1685 Matsumae Clan installed quotient ground (Soya place) in Soya, Hokkaido. The trade business became to be contrlled here. It traded with Sakhalin Ainus visiting here.

1689 Qing repulsed Russia. The Nerchinsk Treaty concluded. Qing forces reached to the mouth of Amur river, and order the inhabitants of Sakhalin to pay the tribute.

1689 Matsumae clansman, Dennemon Kakizaki makes a map of Sakhalin.

1700 Matsumae clan made a tax register note, in which was written the names of the Ezo's places including Karafuto. Matsumae clan submitted it to the Shogunate.

1709 Qing commanded a monk of Society of Jesus to make the territory map of the Qin dynasty. That monk heard that there was an island on the opposite bank of the Heilungjiang river mouth and wrote it down as the Sakhalin, which means "beyond the sea" in the local people.

1715 Matsumae clan reported to the Shogunate Ezo(十州島), Karafuto, Chishima, Kamuchyakka(勘察加) are the own terriotry of Matsumae clan.

1715 Ryoan Terashima (a physician) published "Wakan-Sansai collection of pictures" in which Karafuto was drawn as a part of the continent. It means that two different recognizations were coexisted about Sakhalin=Karafuto. One is of China, Sakhalin island, in Heilungjiang river mouth neighborhood. Another is of Japan, Karafuto "Peninsula" connecting the continent probably in the north part..




1732年 清国、樺太を6つのハラ(氏族)に編成し、毛皮貢納民とする。

I organize 清国, Sakhalin in six ハラ (a family) for 1732 years and do it with 毛皮貢納民.

1739年 坂倉源次郎が『北海随筆』を著す。

Sakakura source Jiro writes "Kita Sea essay" in 1739.


"山丹" appears for the first time in this.


山丹交易 becomes prosperous since these days.


山丹 is expressed with 山靼, 山旦 and sets out for Sakhalin where Mamiya Channel is sandwiched in and Heilungjiang down stream area.


The people of Sakhalin Ainu brought in silk fabrics (so-called Ezo brocade) and a glass ball made in China, an eagle and a tail feather of a falcon.


They obtained it from people called "the sun tongue person" who came over from a continent.


The Matsumae feudal clan did not do the direct trade with 山丹人 in order to avoid suspicion of an illegal import.


(a Shiro Sasaki lecture)

1742年 清の役人、樺太アイヌが清商人から略奪をはたらいたとし、樺太アイヌを取り締まったとの記録。

A record that it was assumed that government official of 清, Sakhalin Ainu committed plunder from 清商人 in 1742 and supervised Sakhalin Ainu.

1745年 ロシア帝国全図が作成される。

A Russian empire complete chart is made in 1745.


(when Russian in this Sakhalin / 1000 island || even if is said, is inevitable)


A Russian empire map

1751年 宗谷場所詰の松前藩士加藤嘉兵衛、藩主の命を受け、海鼠(ナマコ)漁場調査と交易のため白主に出向く。

I receive 松前藩士加藤嘉兵衛 of 宗谷場所詰, a command of a feudal lord in 1751 and go to the master of white for sea cucumber (a sea cucumber) fishing ground investigation and trade.


I clear a fishing ground in three places such as next year, 久春古丹.


(ブログ (ancient documents learning of forest Yuji))





「北海道・樺太アイヌ語地名サイト カムイミンタラ」から部分拡大。

A part spreads from "Hokkaido / Sakhalin Ainu place name site cam imine cod".


Originally although I reproduced it than "published by Sakhalin agency Sakhalin handbook" (1927 publication), there is it in needing it.


A map of 1905.


Than a left-hand figure || before about 30.


It comes to belong to Japan, and a kanji is not guessed right soon because it is the の time.

1752年 ソウヤ場所から樺太場所が分立。

Sakhalin place is separated from a ソウヤ place in 1752.


(this || now || doubt)

1772年 松前藩、城下の商人で宗谷場所請負人村山伝兵衛に命じて、交易と漁法の指導のため、二隻の船を樺太に派遣。

I command it to Soya place Mt. 請負人村 biography soldier of the Imperial Guard in Matsumae feudal clan, a merchant of Shiroshita in 1772 and, for a lesson of trade and a fishery, dispatch two ships in Sakhalin.

1777年 松前藩、藩士新井田隆助を派遣、樺太南部の検分、測量に当たらせる。

I let Matsumae feudal clan, 藩士新井田隆助 be dispatch, an inspection of the Sakhalin southern part, surveying in 1777.

1785年7月 幕府、蝦夷地調査隊を派遣。

I dispatch the Shogunate, Ezo place investigation party in July, 1785.


庵原弥六 of building is 渡海 in シラヌシ from Soya.


In the west, タラントマリ (many orchids Tomari), the east reach シレトコ.


In the master of white, は has been deserted since it came to belong to Russia.


The Russo-Japanese War back was only a one village called the master of south white.


Good the south name a government office of 好仁村 including the master of white (Ainu name ナヤシ) || was put.

9月 林子平、「三国通覧図説」で、欧州の地図を元に、樺太を東韃靼の地つづきである半島と断定。

It is concluded Sakhalin to be the peninsula which is contiguity of land of 東韃靼 on a European map in Shihei Hayashi, "三国通覧図説" in September by the cause.


I draw "サカリン" on an island separately from this.



4月 幕府蝦夷地巡検使の東班(山口、青島、最上)と西班(庵原、佐藤)が松前を出発。

East group (Yamaguchi, Aoshima, the best) and west group of 幕府蝦夷地巡検使 (Ihara, Sato) leave Matsumae in April.

6月 西班、宗谷に至る。

I reach west group, Soya in June.


The Sakhalin investigation that Ihara is introduced into Sakhalin, and a beginning is up to professional standard.


Village, Left Coast about 60 inspect a village about 30 east banks in the master of white in the starting point.



3月 樺太から戻り宗谷で越年中の庵原が病死。

Ihara in seeing the old year out dies of an illness in return Soya from Sakhalin in March.

5月 庵原の後継となった大石逸平が樺太に入る。

大石逸平 which became 後継 of Ihara in May is in Sakhalin.


One party arrives at a shore in ノトロ and reaches シラヌシ on the same day.


In タラントマリ, it is listened to a state of Sakhalin interior by 山丹人.


They 来島し for trade from Amur down stream pheasant shore.


I reach ナヨロ more and collect a boundary of lands / a trip from a local person.


I reach 久春内 more.


In Oishi, in the west, ナツコ, the east recorded lot of place name and a characteristic of land before reaching a cod cuttlefish.

1787年 フランス人ドウ・ラ・ペルーズ、中国から樺太探検に入る。

I begin the Sakhalin exploration from French ドウ ラ Peru, China for 1787 years.


I go north from Huang Hai with the Sea of Japan and reach Sakhalin Left Coast.


I go north afterwards along the shore.


I let the sea becomes shallow, and a ship turn over by worry of stranding and return.


I pass through Soya Channel more and go to カムチャツカ.


(I call Soya Channel the ラ ベルーズ straits in Russia)



5月 松前藩、幹部の松前平角らを白主に派遣。

White is important and dispatches Matsumae feudal clan, Matsumae straight angles of an executive officer in May.


I investigate it to west ground Ainu village torr, east ground シレトコ (Shiretoko cape).


I collect Jilin, the situation of Beijing from 山丹人, a Russian in addition to 山丹 in ナヨロ, ton Ney.


White is important and installs quotient ground (a meeting place).


The カラフト place where a clansman resides at is started.


I put being on duty in Edo place in the Shogunate.


In addition, I establish a load hut in watch box, ton Ney, クシュンコタン in シラヌシ, ツンナイ.


Since spring to autumn || met, and dispatched だ, a shogun's retainer stationed in a shogunal demesne.


Murayama biography soldier of the Imperial Guard becomes a カラフト place contractor.


I magnify trade with Sakhalin Ainu.


Direct contact with いっぽう 山丹人 is avoided.

6月 最上徳内、「蝦夷国風俗人情之沙汰」を発表。

I announce "蝦夷国風俗人情之沙汰" in the best virtue in June.


(and I revise ち, "Ezo Japanese-style bound book) I draw カラフト on Sakhalin" and an island of one し.

1792年 第二回目の幕府調査。

Shogunate investigation of the second time 1792.


The best virtue is dispatched.


The west inspects クシュンナイ, the east to トウブツ in the master of white in the starting point.


It is questioned the Sakhalin northern part, 山丹, Manchurian, Russian geography by 山丹人, a Russian.

1797年 板垣豊四郎、カラフト場所の支配人となるが、経営は数年で失敗に終わる。

I become a manager of 板垣豊四郎, a カラフト place in 1797, but management is over in failure by several years.

1797年 村上島之丞、「蝦夷見聞記」を著す。

I write 村上島之丞, "Ezo record of personal experiences" in 1797.


I do カラフト with a peninsula and draw "a サカレン island" elsewhere.

1798年 幕府、東蝦夷地(北海道太平洋岸および千島)を公議御料(幕府直轄領)とする。

I do the Shogunate, a savage in the eastern provinces ground (Hokkaido Left Coast and 1000 island) with argument open to the public Imperial property (it belongs to the Shogunate direct control) in 1798.


Sakhalin is had for a hand of Matsumae feudal clan.

1799年1月 幕府、松平忠明を蝦夷地取締御用掛に任命し、蝦夷地の開拓を命じた。

I appointed Shogunate, Tadaaki Matsudaira Ezo place director commissioner in January, 1799 and commanded reclamation of the Ezo place.

1799年 間宮林蔵、村上島之允の従者として初めて蝦夷地に渡る。

I go as Rinzou Mamiya, an attendant of 村上島之允 in the first Ezo place for 1799 years.


I conclude 約 of master and pupil with Tadataka Ino in Hakodate.


I engage in the next year, 雇 of building or surveying of Ezo each place.



1800年 松前藩、カラフト経営を藩士の手から取り上げ、領主手捌(直轄)とする。

I take up Matsumae feudal clan, カラフト management from a hand of a clansman in 1800 and do it with a feudal lord counterattack (the direct control).


商人柴屋長太夫 of Settsu Tsu, Hyogo is in charge of the stocking.


The center of Sakhalin management seems to have moved to 久春古丹 since these days.


久春古丹に had a lot of warehouses and a watch box other than 勤番設所 and a trading post for the Ainu and counted house of Ainu, dozens of.


松前藷 dispatched a clansman of every spring being on duty in Edo and supervised fishing ground and 山丹交易, and it was custom that withdrew in autumn.


I left 37 wintering guards for 謹 in the end of August.


As for Ainu, it was abused daily necessities as compensation other than rice only, liquor, a cigarette, old clothes, and in particular the situation of Ainu of the fishing ground outskirts was changing into 殆 んど 負漬奴隷 by loan of an article.



5月 第三回目の幕府調査。

Shogunate investigation of the third time May.


Nakamura small Ichiro acts as building.


Takahashi next headmaster of a school of noh play of a member (an assistant of a superintendent officer) inspects the West Coast to ショウヤ 崎 to ナイブツ little Ichiro in the East Coast.


I report 山丹交易事情.


In "a figure of Sakhalin distinction", I write peninsula of a continent or island and two ways jointly in カラフト.


A search is limited to the southern part and says that it was degree it lets you picture a map in 山丹人 of 東韃靼 that you came for trade on sand about the northern part, and to ask about geographical features.

1801年 近藤重蔵、「辺要分界図考」を発表。

I announce 近藤重蔵, "辺要分界図考" in 1801.


I write an independence island opinion together with a peninsula opinion.


There is the next divergent view about this.

1804年 近藤重蔵、「今所考定分界之図」で、カラフトを離島にし、さらに「サカリン」を離島に描く。

I turn カラフト into a remote island in 近藤重蔵, "今所考定分界之図" for 1804 years and picture "サカリン" in a remote island more.


ブログ of forest Yuji (mainly on ancient documents learning)

1803年 間宮、国後をふくむ東蝦夷地の測量に従事する。

I engage in surveying of a savage in the eastern provinces place including Mamiya, the country back in 1803.


I work in シツナイ of Ezo place Hidaka as heavenly phenomena geography commissioner for five years.


I go over to a エトロフ island since six years and deal with coast actual survey and new road development.

1804年(文化1) ロシア使節のニコライ・レザーノフが長崎に来航し通商をもとめる。

Nicolai レザーノフ of a Russian mission visits a shore in Nagasaki and stops commerce in 1804 (culture 1).


The Shogunate refuses commerce, and レザーノフ is established in a virtual confinement state.


(in negotiations, レザーノフ showed recognition that Sakhalin Nanbu was a thing of a Japanese)

1804年 イギリス人のブロートン、ドウ・ラ・ペルーズと同様のコースを探索。

I search for blow ton of British, a course same as ドウ ラ Peru in 1804.


Sakhalin concludes it to be a peninsula with "the north Pacific exploration voyages".

ラ・ペルー ズ、ブロートンの探検により、サハリンと樺太が同一の半島であるとの説が流布する。

By ラ Peru, the exploration of blow ton, an opinion that Sakhalin and Sakhalin are the same peninsulas spreads.

1804年 ロシアのクルーゼンシュテルン、ナデシュダ号で樺太探査。

I investigate Sakhalin in Russian クルーゼンシュテルン, ナデシュダ in 1804.

調査結果を「世界周航記」 として発表した。

I did "description of world circumnavigation" と of findings and announced it.


A peninsula and the judgment that Sakhalin connects with a continent in the south of the Heilungjiang river mouth.

1806年 「文化露寇」

1806 "文化露寇"

10月22日(旧暦では9月11日) レザノフ、日本との通商を拒否された報復のため、フボストフに命じ久春古丹を襲撃。

I command it to フボストフ and, for the retaliation that it was refused レザノフ, commerce with Japan on October 22 (the old calendar, September 11), attack 久春古丹.


About 30 Russian soldiers go ashore in a boat.


I plundered you of miscellaneous goods with U.S. 600 bale in a trading post for the Ainu and burnt a house of 11 and burnt down protective goddess company and raised two pieces of brass boards which carved Russian in the torii which remained unburned.

魚網及び船に も火を放ったあと海上に去る。

I leave afloat after も set a fishing net and a ship on fire.


I attack the circumference Shogunate force in the 後択捉.


As for the settler who lost a ship, communication with a feudal clan became inability until in the following spring.



3月 幕府は西蝦夷地も公議御料とし、奉行所を箱館から松前に移す。

The Shogunate does west Ezo ground with argument open to the public Imperial property in March and moves a city magistrate's office from box building in Matsumae.

4月初め 久春古丹との連絡が取れ、松前藩および幕府はロシア軍襲撃の事実を知る。

I get communication with 久春古丹 in the beginning of April, and Matsumae feudal clan and the Shogunate know a fact of Russia force surprise attack.

4月16日 松前藩家老松前左膳と蝦夷地奉行新谷六左衛門、藩兵200人余を率いて福山を出発。

I lead left low dining table and Ezo local magistrate Niiya six Court Security Office, feudal clan soldier more than 200 before a Matsumae feudal clans old pine-tree on April 16 and leave Fukuyama.


It is the Sakhalin landing on May 12.

4月 フボストフ、択捉のナイホに上陸し沙那会所を襲撃・略奪。

I land at フボストフ, ナイホ of 択捉 and attack 沙那会所 in April and plunder you.


Defense party to become it from southern part feudal clan / Tsugaru feudal clan flights.


Mamiya met with a case in 択捉勤務中 then.


I become Edo forwarding in a deserting crime, but the fact that insisted on thoroughness resistance is recognized, and there is no blame.

5月 幕府、東北諸藩(津軽藩、南部藩、庄内藩、久保田藩)から3千の兵士を徴集(翌年には4千人に増強)。

I levy a soldier of 3000 from the Shogunate, northeastern various feudal clans (Tsugaru feudal clan, southern part feudal clan, Shonai feudal clan, Kubota feudal clan) in May (I reinforce it to 4000 people in the next year).


I command the Ezo place guard in a general control bottom of Matsumae prefect.


I become that southern part feudal clan is arranged in クシュンコタン.

5月22日 フボストフ、久春古丹の西隣の留多加に上陸。

It is gone ashore on May 22 by フボストフ, west next 留多加 of 久春古丹.


I burn down protective goddess company, a trading post for the Ainu, a warehouse.

6月 フボストフ、利尻島に上陸。

I land at フボストフ, Rishiri-to Island in June.


I attack a Japanese ship in a sea area of island circumference.


252 people are Rishiri, and, after a case, Aizu clansmans deal with the guard.

12月 幕府、ロシア船打ち払い令を発す。

I start the Shogunate, Russian ship driving away law in December.

1808年 松田伝十郎と間宮林蔵の探検

The exploration of 1808 Matsuda biography Juro and Rinzou Mamiya


I do follow of a footprint in "東韃地方紀行" which Mamiya wrote.


The Mamiya distance

1808年 フボストフの行動は皇帝の許可を得ておらず、ロシア皇帝は撤退を命令した。

An action of フボストフ did not get permission of the emperor in 1808, and the Russian emperor ordered by withdrawal.


With this, a guard clansman of various feudal clans arranged on the Ezo ground withdraws.

4月1日 最上徳内、幕府よりカラフト詰を命じられ、シラヌシ到着。

It is appointed カラフト 詰 from the Shogunate in the best virtue on April 1, and シラヌシ arrives.


(unconfirmed this clause)

4月13日 第四回目の幕府調査。

Shogunate investigation of the fourth time April 13.


Matsuda biography Juro acting as a part of key follower in Soya meeting place receives カラフト interior, a command of 山丹見分.


Matsumae city magistrate's office dispatches Rinzou Mamiya as a follower of Matsuda.


Matsuda and Mamiya, シラヌシ arrival.


Matsuda becomes that Mamiya goes north in the East Coast in the West Coast.

5月 間宮、多来加(タライカ)湖畔に到着。

I arrive at Mamiya, a 多来加 (a cod cuttlefish) shore in May.


I let progress, Ainu pull a ship to Mamiya, シャクコタン (柵丹) and cross Sunahara of 五町 (545 meters) and appear in the East Coast of north Shiretoko peninsula.


Thus I judge that going north more than this is difficult.


(missing the reason)


I moved south from Mamiya, シャクコタン again, and the point one goes over a mountain did Sakhalin mountain range from 真縫 which was 最狭部 (マーヌイ) and went for Left Coast (久春内).



多来加湾地図 おそらく北船越というところで半島を横切ったのであろう。

Perhaps I was going to call 多来加湾地図 north Funakoshi and would sail across a peninsula.


Is シャクコタン a possible wild goose?


柵丹 is a village near 知取, and it should be the south considerably

6月20日 西海岸を北上し、ノテトで先行する松田と合流した。

I went north in the West Coast on June 20 and joined Matsuta to go ahead of in ノテト.


A village of the Gilyak (ニヴフ) person that ノテト is called スメレンクル.


オロッコ person lived near, too.


I reach lat. 52 degrees N, a lacquer cape of the Sakhalin most west end with Matsuda (the another view, ナッコ cape).


It is 望見 in straits width spreading in this cape northward.


Sakhalin got a guess to be an island.


I build 国境標 of "Japan countries boundary" here.

6月26日 松田と間宮、ノテトをはなれ帰途につく。

I leave Matsuda and Mamiya, ノテト on June 26 and am assigned to the way home.

7月13日 松田と間宮、宗谷に帰着。

I return to Matsuda and Mamiya, Soya on July 13.


I report it in a city magistrate's office.


Matsuta departs for a report for the Edo era.

間宮は「樺太と大陸の境をしかと見極めぬずに帰えりしは心残り」 と述べ、さらに奥地への探索を願い出る。

"帰え in ず ascertaining only Sakhalin and a boundary of a continent, and りし is regretful", and Mamiya describes と and applies for a search to interior more.


(when, in the another view, 松前奉行河尻春之 in Soya stay appointed reexamination to the Sakhalin East Coast investigation of Rinzou Mamiya as insufficiency || a certain)

7月 間宮、当局の許可を得て単身樺太へ戻る。

I get Mamiya, permission of the authorities in July and come back to Sakhalin alone.


I take advantage of 図合船 and leave Soya.


I reach ton Ney of the West Coast.


Ton Ney is considered to be Mooka of the back, but 眞岡 is called エンルンコマナイ from Ainu person and is different from ton Ney closely.

9月14日 間宮、トンナイからトッショカウまで進むが、時期的にこれ以上の北上は困難と判断しトンナイに戻る。

I advance from Mamiya, ton Ney to トッショカウ on September 14, but I judge going north more than this with difficulty 時期的に and come back to ton Ney.

1808年 高橋景保、「北夷考証」を発表。

I announce 高橋景保, "北夷考証" in 1808.


On the basis of report of Matsuda biography Juro, I work as カラフト and saga Lin with the same island.



1月29日 間宮、雇のアイヌたちとともにトンナイを出発。

I leave ton Ney with Mamiya, Ainus of 雇 on January 29.


I go to interior.


I wait for a thaw in ウショロ.

4月初め ウショロから陸路2日でリョナイに着き、船で北へ向かう。

I arrive at リョナイ from ウショロ in land route two days in the beginning of April and go to the north by ship.

4月9日 リョナイから255キロメートル北のノテトに到着。

It is come from リョナイ on April 9 by 255 kilometers north ノテト.

5月12日 間宮林蔵、ノテトを出発。

I leave Rinzou Mamiya, ノテト on May 12.


I reach lacquer by sea.


I look at the river mouth of Amur river in ユクタマー of 98k from ノテト north from the front.


Going north more.


I reached the Sakhalin northern end to a near ナニオー cape, and Sakhalin confirmed that it was an island instead of peninsula because the very large Sea of Okhotsk spread out in the north side.


(I own this, and there are discovery of Mamiya Channel and an opinion to do)

6月 幕府、カラフトを「北蝦夷地」と唱えるべき旨を命じる。

I command "the north Ezo place" and the effect that I should advocate in Shogunate, カラフト in June.

6月26日 間宮林蔵、ノテトに戻る。

I return to Rinzou Mamiya, ノテト on June 26.


I know existence of a 清国 デレン temporary prefecture arranged in 東韃靼 of the pair side of Mamiya Channel here.


It was given コーニ of a chief a qualification of a government official of カーシンタ (a district manager) by 清国仮府.


I loaded a gift or trade product onto 山丹船 then and was to go to デレン.


Mamiya asks for the attendance, and it is forgiven going together.

6月26日 間宮、サンタン船でノテト崎を出発。

I leave ノテト 崎 by Mamiya, sun tongue ship on June 26.


I take 6th and arrive at the opposite bank.


I sail up Heilungjiang afterwards.


I am in the way and say that I was about to be tortured to death by 山丹人 which does not understand a word.




I was able to see Sakhalin to go over the straits of about 7kilo,kilos wide from Iwayama of Lazarev who faced Mamiya Channel (the road "north Silk Road of Ezo brocade,?,?", the thing which Rinzou Mamiya watched, reproduction)

7月11日 間宮林蔵、デレンに到着し清朝の現地責任者と会見。

I arrive, and it is interviewed with a local person in charge of the Qing dynasty on July 11 by Rinzou Mamiya, デレン.


The Qing dynasty side says || "my country Russian a little aggression lets it alone, and do not take you, and punish to aggression and a ま colander and て strictly, and kick" it.


With the north where Russian Sakai is far.


According to the record of a forest storehouse, there was the hut which collected a fur a Qing dynasty government official in a wall with a double fence at a square site of approximately 25 meters one side of デレン.


500 many nations always gathered to surround it and changed articles such as a fur or food while staying to a booth and were full very much.


However, I cannot think as far as I watch a painting when lasting by the considerably poor making of.


デレン has possibility of a general noun to express a temporary prefecture.


I return to ノテト afterwards.


(there is an opinion on August 2, too)


A sketch of デレン which デレン Rinzou Mamiya recorded (the road "north Silk Road of Ezo brocade,?,?", the thing which Rinzou Mamiya watched, reproduction)

9月15日 真宮、白主に戻る。

A truth shrine, white are important and come back on September 15.


I enter Soya in the end of September more.

11月 間宮、松前に帰投。

It is 帰投 in November Mamiya, Matsumae.


I appear in Matsumae city magistrate's office and deal with making of a report afterward.

1809年 松田伝十郎は白主にとどまり、アイヌを事実上日本人として扱い、樺太アイヌ保護の立場から山丹交易の改革を行った。

Matsuda biography Juro stayed in the master of white for 1809 years and treated Ainu as a Japanese virtually and reformed 山丹交易 from a situation of Sakhalin Ainu protection.


He is 1.


I turn a debt for sun tongue merchant of Ainu into a cancellation by expenditure of the Shogunate, and it is 2.


I fix a trade rule in the master of white, and it is 3.


I changed 山丹交易 which was personal trade with Ainu and the sun tongue person into business of Shogunate official recognition.


(a Shiro Sasaki lecture)

1811年2月 江戸にて『北蝦夷島地図』、『北夷分界余話』(ウィルタ、ニヴヒをふくむ樺太の地誌・民俗誌)、『東韃地方紀行』(黒竜江下流地方の見分)の三部作を完成、幕府に提出した。

I submitted "a figure of north Ezo island", "北夷分界余話" (a geographical book / folk magazine of Sakhalin including ウィルタ, ニヴヒ), a trilogy of "東韃地方紀行" (distinction of Heilungjiang down stream district) to completion, the Shogunate in the Edo era in February, 1811.

1811年4月 松前奉行支配調役下役格に昇進。

I am promoted to part of Matsumae prefect rule key follower in April, 1811.


Learned the latitude measurement method from Tadataka Ino some other time || starve, and go to the Ezo place.




I finish surveying of Ezo ground to extend in 10 and come back to Edo.


This time 43 years old.

1849年 ロシヤ海軍のネヴェリスコイ少佐、アムール河口およびタタール海峡で海洋船航行が可能であると発表。

I announce that the marine ship navigation is possible at a ネヴェリスコイ lieutenant commander of the Russia navy, the Amur river mouth and the タタール straits for 1849 years.


It is installed a ニコラエフスク guard post in an inlet of about 40k upper reaches by Amur Kawaguchi.


I call 最狭部 of Mamiya Channel ネヴェリスコイ water service in Russia.


I build a guard post in a インベラートル gulf of shore state lat. 49 degrees N environs (a インペラートルスカヤ gulf).


The Shogunate returned the Ezo ground Matsumae feudal clan when I knew that a Russian offensive did not 急迫し and was not going to reflect afterward for 40 years at all.


I was satisfied that Matsumae feudal clan left it to discretion of a place contractor (precisely, the manager and guard) to business tax rice paid as a tax, and there was not the time when I looked back upon administration of Sakhalin.


The feudal clan dispatched a clansman of a few being on duty in Edo annually to Sakhalin only in the summer.


This and the twist for て rule were in order rather to manage 山丹交易 of a monopoly.


I traded with the fur which I purchased with Ezo brocade of the Manchurian visit that a thing of a Gilyak person hung down, an insect nest ball, an eagle feather and that is to say gave a large amount of profit to a low price by the sale from Ainu.

1852年 ネヴェリスコイ、海軍大尉ボシニャークを北樺太調査に派遣。

I dispatch ネヴェリスコイ, navy captain ボシニャーク in north Sakhalin investigation for 1852 years.


ボシニャーク discovers the high quality abundant coal layer.

1853年(嘉永六年) ロシア軍の久春古丹占拠

久春古丹占拠 of 1853 (the Kaei era 6) Russia force


As for the following serial progress, Toshiyuki Akizuki principally gets together in "久春古丹占拠 of the Kaei era year Russia".

1853年4月 アメリカの日本遠征計画を知ったロシヤ政府は、「サハリンがロシア領であることを事実をもって示す」ため、年内の樺太全島占領を決定する。

The Russia government which knew an American Japanese expedition plan in April, 1853 decides Sakhalin all of the islands occupation in a year in order I "own a fact, and to show that Sakhalin belongs to Russia".


Occupation and management are considered to be self responsibility of "a dew rice company" (a dummy).

4月 東部西シベリア総督のムラビヨフ、勅許を得てネヴェリスコイ海軍大佐に樺太占領を命じる。

I get ムラビヨフ of the eastern part west Siberia governor-general, Imperial grant in April and command Sakhalin occupation to ネヴェリスコイ navy colonel.

4月 ネヴェリスコイを司令官とするロシア軍は、北樺太北端クエグト岬に露国旗を掲げ、領有を宣言。

The Russian armed forces doing ネヴェリスコイ with a commander in April raise a bare national flag on north Sakhalin northern end クエグト cape and declare possession.

6月 ペリーのアメリカ艦隊が浦賀に来航。

An American fleet of Perry visits a shore in Uraga in June.


I press you for the foundation of a country.

7月18日 プチャーチン提督の4隻よりなるロシヤ艦隊が長崎に入港。

Russia fleet becoming July 18 than four ships of a プチャーチン admiral enters port in Nagasaki.

8月26日(露暦) ネヴェリスコイ、露米会社の「ユコライ」号に90名の兵員を乗せベトロフスク(カムチャッカのペトロパブロフスク?)を出発。

I pick up 90 soldiers in ネヴェリスコイ, "ユコライ" issue of a dew rice company on August 26 (a bare calendar) and leave ベトロフスク (ペトロパブロフスク of カムチャッカ?).


I break a taboo of ムラビヨフ and go to direct occupation of 久春古丹.

ネヴェリスコイは,政府の命令を樺太全島の占領命令と受取り,これを楯にムラヴィ ヨフの指示に逆らった。

ネヴェリスコイ took an order of government as an occupation order of Sakhalin all of the islands and disobeyed instructions of ムラヴィ ヨフ on a shield in this.


While this ground had rich facility for fishery and trade, without what defense, I was convinced that, besides, a Japanese was cowardly.

8月22日(露暦で9月21日) ロシア兵40人余が4隻のボートで久春古丹北隣のバッコトマに上陸。

Russian soldier more than 40 lands at バッコトマ of 久春古丹北隣 in four boats on August 22 (a bare calendar, September 21).


A large quantity of supplies, building material, food are 揚陸さ other than the cannon 8 gate.

8月23日 久春古丹南側の小高いところに日本人の倉庫を接収してムラヴィヨフ哨所が建設される。

I requisition a warehouse of a Japanese at the slightly elevated time of 久春古丹南側 on August 23, and a ムラヴィヨフ guard post is built.


I raise a national flag and declare possession of Sakhalin all of the islands.


I escape, and all Kazuto evades 久春古丹 in Soya.


A ムラヴィヨフ guard post:


Barracks, the officer lodgings made 5, a bathroom, a watchtower (six angles form between 6 high, 10-mat), a cellar in every direction between 20 and let a fence rotate.


The, was strong, making it was able to surprise a Japanese.

9月03日 久春古丹の番人たちは相談の上、夜になって全員が久春古丹を退去。

Guards of 久春古丹 become the night after consultation on September 03, and all the members leave 久春古丹.


One part moves to Sakhalin Left Coast one part to Soya.

9月12日 松前藩が宗谷勤番から事件の報告を受ける。

Matsumae feudal clan takes a report of a case from Soya being on duty in Edo on September 12.


It is taken off in the first person 85, the second person 77 after a report promptly toward Sakhalin by the Shogunate.

9月12日 松前藩、脱走者よりロシヤ人の久春古丹占拠の報を受ける。

I receive 報 of 久春古丹占拠 of Russia person than Matsumae feudal clan, a runaway on September 12.

9月17日 一番手85人,翌日に二番手77人の軍勢を樺太へ向け発進させる。

I let I face Sakhalin, and an army of the second person 77 take off on the first person 85, the next day on September 17.

異例の迅速な措置 実際は幕府の手前,藩の体面をとりつくろったものとされる。

It is assumed that I take this side of the Shogunate, honor of a feudal clan and mended the exceptional quick step fact.

9月25日 ネヴェリスコイはロシアに戻り、陸軍少佐プッセ,海軍中尉ルダノフスキーほか69人が久春古丹に残留。

ネヴェリスコイ returns to Russia on September 25, and army lieutenant commander プッセ, navy first lieutenant ルダノフスキー others 69 remain behind in 久春古丹.


The guard who remained behind in Left Coast is called back by 久春古丹, and it is established in a house arrest state.

11月6日 樺太占領の報を受けた長崎のプチャーチン、老中宛に書簡。

It is a letter addressed to プチャーチン of Nagasaki who received 報 of Sakhalin occupation on November 6, member of the Shogun's Council of Elders.


I change a policy of Sakhalin border and insist on all of the islands belonging person.

10月25日 松 前藩、年内の渡海を見送る。

I shelve feudal clan in front of a pine, 渡海 in a year on October 25.


As for the first person, the second person came to gain hair to Soya on October 10 on October 9, but 渡海 winters at each place not to do it.

「最早氷海に相 成,北蝦夷地へ渡海難相成 不得止事ソウヤ並マシケ南場所へ陣罷在,明春氷海明き次第渡海仕侯」と幕府に通知。

"陣罷在, a next spring iced-over ocean already become vacant to 渡海難相成 不得止事 ソウヤ ordinary マシケ Nanba place in an iced-over ocean to aspect 成, the north Ezo place, and it is a notice in 次第渡海仕侯" and the Shogunate.



1月 幕府は樺太事情と境界調査のために海防掛・蝦夷地掛の村垣範正(通称 与三郎)と堀を松前並蝦夷地御用として派遣。

The Shogunate dispatches 村垣範正 (popular name 与三郎) and a moat of 海防掛 / 蝦夷地掛 as Matsumae ordinary Ezo place your business for Sakhalin circumstances and border investigation in January.


In "a remote island of north remoteness, 魯西亜え 議 of 唐太, and 被遺侯て, and a village fence advises it on も 可然哉" and the Sakhalin abandonment on the occasion of departure (Sakhalin).


Kawamichi submits an objection for this.


It was done a vast investment, and a system began to be regulated, and even a surplus occurred.


Return to the sudden 松前藷 is a thing decided by dogmatism of member of the Shogun's Council of Elders Tadakuni Mizuno, and it is said that there was a large amount of bribe about this by Matsumae feudal clan.

2月下旬 樺太から宗谷へ越年番人やアイヌたちの飛脚船が到来し久春古丹の状況を伝える。

An express boat of seeing the old year out guard and Ainus comes and introduces the situation of 久春古丹 from Sakhalin into Soya in the end of February.


Scurvy uses violence to Russia defense party these days, and a sick person reaches 40 people.

3月20日 松前藩の使者が藩兵に先立って樺太に渡る。

A messenger of Matsumae feudal clan goes before a feudal clan soldier in Sakhalin on March 20.


A guard of 60 fishing ground manager spring water flat three parts others is accompanied.

4月11日 一番手85人が久春吉丹に到着。

The first person 85 come in 久春吉丹 on April 11.


More the third person 77 land at 久春古丹, too.

4月14日 日本役人4隻の日本船で久春古丹に入る。

I begin 久春古丹 by a Japanese ship of four Japanese government officials on April 14.


I visit a ムラヴィヨフ guard post.


ブッセ and a meeting.


I discuss it about two countries border of 亜庭湾上.

4月29日 インベラートル湾から軍艦オリヴツァが久春古丹に到着。

Warship オリヴツァ comes in 久春古丹 from a インベラートル gulf on April 29.


Siberia commander ムラヴィヨフ sends a letter and appoints ブッセ to Sakhalin manager formally.


ムラビヨフ conveys the outbreak of war with Turkey, and it is assumed that the outbreak of war with England and France is near and directs you to avoid a collision with a Japanese.


If Crimean War begins, 久春古丹 is attacked, and it is done when afraid when I become a prey of a British fleet.


A boss ネヴェリスコイ lieutenant commander under direct control does not recognize Sakhalin withdrawal for this, and it is instructions when it withdraws on the occasion of attack of an enemy to the inland, and it fights by a guerrilla war.


But it is not an absolute order for ブッセ which became a formal manager now.

5月15日 プチャーチンの幕僚ポシェットを載せたメンシコフ号が長崎から久春古丹に入る。

メンシコフ which picked up a staff officer pochette of プチャーチン on May 15 is in 久春古丹 from Nagasaki.


It is assumed that a ムラヴィヨフ guard post by England and France vessels may be attacked if war begins, and プチャーチン suggests a ムラヴィヨフ guard post in order to avoid this to withdraw.


ブッセ accepts this.


As for プチャーチン, do not direct top and bottom-related, the suggestion did "an advice of having strings attached" instead of "order".


However, プッセ of the commander who keenly realized disadvantage accepted this after having submitted it to an officer conference.

5月18日 ロシア軍、約8ヶ月にわたる久春古丹占拠を終え撤退。

I finish Russian armed forces, 久春古丹占拠 for about 8 months on May 18 and withdraw.

6月12日 堀,村垣一行が久春吉丹に到着。

A moat, a village fence party come in 久春吉丹 on June 12.


I start investigation of a suitable place as Japan and Russia border.


Pass in ち, シラヌシ which inspected a track of a ムラヴィヨフ guard post and go north in Left Coast.

6月末 一行は西岸のエンルモマコフまで到達。

A party arrives at エンルモマコフ of Left Coast in the end of June.


I move to マアヌイ of an east bank from ライチンカ more, and a moat returns to box building.


Building iron Jiro of the shogun's retainer who went over to Sakhalin more first than a moat, a village fence investigates an east bank to 多来加.


I report that Ainu of カシホ northward does not come in contact with a Japanese till now.


Kamikawa field Ichiro of an account official grows a foot to the Amur opposite bank and investigates the situation of ギワヤーク.


I report that Russia person mines coal in ヲッチシ

10月 村垣ら、江戸に帰府。

October village fences, it is 帰府 for the Edo era.


I submit "北蝦夷地御国彊見込之場所申上侯書付".


Rule of Matsumae feudal clan assumes that Left Coast extends to ホロコタン, an east bank to フヌプ.


In addition, this material did "迚 with 警衛行届候筈無之", and what preparation preached urgent business of the defense of Hokkaido which there was not even box building opened by a foreign country than a border problem and the guard of Sakhalin.


In addition, I reach a mouth and criticize a miserable state and being awful of a manager and a guard of a fishing ground of Ainu.


In this situation a trend of Ainu warns it if in danger.

12月 下田で日露通好条約の交渉。

It is negotiations of an authority of Japan and Russia good treaty in Shimoda in December.


Suggestion to assume that Russia belongs to Japan only in 亜庭湾周辺部 at first.


1855 (Ansei 2)

2月 日露通好条約が締結。

An authority of Japan and Russia good treaty concludes it in February.


Japan gets support of England and France and maintains confirmation of 混住地.


Sakhalin becomes a mixed-residence quarter level of 国境未画定地, Japan and Russia which do not decide position.

4月 イギリス、樺太の支配を狙い、艦隊を久春古丹に送る。

I aim at Britain, rule of Sakhalin in April and send a fleet to 久春古丹.


Land marines of a British fleet land at 久春古丹河辺.

4月 秋田の佐竹藩が,樺太の防衛にあたる。

A Satake feudal clan of Akita deals with defense of Sakhalin in April.


A northeastern 4 feudal clan deals with the guard by a change by a 2 feudal clan after the Manen first year.


I act as the Shogunate in pacification of Ainu.

5月 松前藩、幕府の命により久春古丹のロシア軍基地を焼却。

It is burnt up Russian armed forces base of 久春古丹 in May by Matsumae feudal clan, life of the Shogunate.

55年 堀,村垣の報告にもとづき,幕府は北海道と樺太を再び直轄し,彼らはともに箱館奉行としてこれらの地方の行政にあたる。

I am belonging to 55 years in a moat, a report of a village fence, and the Shogunate manages directly again in Hokkaido and Sakhalin, and they hit administration of these districts as a box building prefect together.



5月 松浦武四郎、新道建設予定路の調査を命じられ白主着、その後、東海岸の敷香(シスカ)に至る。

It is commanded 松浦武四郎, investigation of a new road construction plan road in May, and the main arrival at white reaches 敷香 of the East Coast (シスカ) afterwards.

56年 幕府、樺太東岸の中知床岬以北および西岸のノタサン以北を樺太直捌場所とする。

I do Shiretoko cape northward and ノタサン northward of Left Coast with 樺太直捌場所 in the Shogunate, Sakhalin east bank in 56.


1857 (Ansei 4)

6月 ムラヴィヨフ哨所の元副隊長ルダノブスキーが率いるロシア兵、ロシア船「アメリカ」号で進出。

I go into it with the Russian soldier whom cause vice-captain ルダノブスキー of a ムラヴィヨフ guard post leads in June, Russian ship "America" issue.


It is gone ashore by ナヨロ of the West Coast which became northern limit of Japanese power, 久春内.


I restrict a Japan side public employee and inhabitants by 16 soldiers.


Support of Ainu is not provided and goes back to my own country soon.

57年 越後の豪農で、蝦夷地御用方をつとめる松川弁之助が、カラフト奥地漁場開発を出願。

松川弁之助 acting as the side of Ezo place your business in a powerful farmer of Echigo in 57 applies for カラフト interior fishing ground development.


It is commanded fishing ground management person of オチョポカ of an east bank (落帆).



5月 ロシアは黒龍江一帯に侵攻し、清国との間に「愛琿条約」を結ぶ。

Russia invades and attacks in 黒龍江一帯 in May and ties up "愛琿条約" between 清国.

58年 江戸に赴いたロシアのムラビョフ代表、清国から割譲された黒龍江流域に付属するものとして、樺太全土の領有を主張。

I assume that I am attached to Russian ムラビョフ representative who proceeded to Edo in 58, 黒龍江流域 割譲さ by 清国 and insist on possession of the Sakhalin whole land.

58年 幕府は越前大野藩に北蝦夷地警備と開拓を命じる。

The Shogunate commands the north Ezo place guard and reclamation to Echizen Ono feudal clan for 58 years.


久春内周辺 becomes 直捌場所 of box building prefect Ishikari government office separately from this.

1859年 ロシアは艦隊を率いて品川に現れ、樺太全島をロシア領とする境界策定を請求。

Russia leads a fleet in 1859 and appears in Shinagawa, and it is request by border development to do Sakhalin all of the islands if it belongs to Russia.


The Shogunate refuses this.

1860年 ロシア、清国の内乱に乗じて圧力をかけ、「沿海州専用に関する条約」(北京条約という)を結び、山靼地方・沿海州の全てを領有する。

I take advantage of Russia, an internal disturbance of 清国 for 1860 years and pressure it and tie up "a treaty about shore state exclusive use" (I say Peking Treaty) and possess all of State of 山靼地方 / shore.


Sakhalin sends a guard soldier and a prisoner into afterward from a situation that it is the attached ground of shore state (a pre-mol ski) and strengthens an offensive.

1861年 ロシア艦ポサドニック号が対馬芋崎浦を占拠。

Russian warship ポサドニック occupies 対馬芋崎浦 in 1861.


村垣範正 which became a box building prefect is correspondence with Russia side.

1866年 ロシア、クシュンナイ哨所とマアヌイ哨所を強化し、東海岸のナイブチにも新しい哨所を建設。

I reinforce Russia, a クシュンナイ guard post and a マアヌイ guard post in 1866 and build a new guard post in Ney spots of the East Coast.


1867 (Keio 3)

3月 函館奉行小出大和守がロシアに派遣され、領土交渉。

函館奉行小出大和守 is dispatched in March by Russia, and a territory negotiates.


I do a border and suggestion to do in lat. 50 degrees N line, but Russia is an opinion by a border in 久春内.


I sign it in street mixed-residence quarter and "Sakhalin island tentative rule" to do till now after all.

1868年 明治新政府、岡本監輔ら十数名の官吏と箱館で募集した農工民二百余名ををクシュンコタンに送り、公儀所を設置する。

I send agriculture and industry people more than 200 name that Meiji new government, 岡本監輔 raised with box building with a public employee of several ten in 1868 to を クシュンコタン and install official affairs place.


The former shogunate prefecture / the Matsumae feudal clan looked at Sakhalin till then only with a fishery base.

1869年 明治新政府、北蝦夷地を樺太と改称する。

I rename Meiji new government, the north Ezo ground to Sakhalin in 1869.


Hokkaido Bureau of Development manages it.

1869年 ロシア、明治政府の出方を見て樺太の軍備を増強。

I consider Russia, an attitude of Meiji government in 1869 and reinforce armaments of Sakhalin.


A コルサコフ guard post, a チフメンスキ - guard post are set up.

1870年2月 樺太開拓使が開拓使から分離して、久春古丹に開設される。

Sakhalin Bureau of Development separates from a Bureau of Development in February, 1870, and it is established by 久春古丹.


I work as Kiyotaka Kuroda with a reclamation vice-minister.


Ton Ney, シララカ, white are important, and a branch office is put.


It is polo Ann Thomas re-(a large port) development in ハツコトマリ (a little port), the south in the north of 久春古丹.


ポロアントマリ becomes the cause of the name of Odomari.


As for 久春古丹, 楠渓町, ポロアントマリ become Sakaecho.

1871年 樺太開拓使が閉鎖され、北海道と合併。

Sakhalin Bureau of Development is closed in 1871 and merges it with Hokkaido.


I 久春古丹に and put argument open to the public place and did it with Bureau of Development Sakhalin branch.

1873年(明治6年) 副島種臣がロシアと樺太買収の会談をするも不調に終わる。

Russia and も talking together of the Sakhalin purchase are out of condition, and 副島種臣 is over in 1873 (1873).

1874年 黒田清隆、樺太は無価値である旨政府に報告する。

I report Kiyotaka Kuroda, Sakhalin in the effect government which is for nothing value for 1874 years.

1875年(明治8年)5月 「千島・樺太交換条約」を締結。

I conclude "1000 island / Sakhalin exchange treaty" in May for 1875 years (1875).


Sakhalin all of the islands come to belong to Russia.


Bureau of Development Sakhalin branch of 久春古丹 succeeds the business in コルサコフ Japan consulate.

1875年 千島樺太交換条約の締結後、日本人は日本国籍のまま樺太に住み続けることが許されたが、先住民族はロシア国籍の取得を義務付けられた。

That a Japanese continued living in Sakhalin as the Japan family register was forgiven after the conclusion of 1000 island Sakhalin exchange treaty in 1875, but the aborigine was obliged to the acquisition of Russian nationality.

10月 樺太アイヌ854名、北海道への移住のためクシュンコタンを出発。

I leave クシュンコタン for 854 Sakhalin Ainus, emigration to Hokkaido in October.

以下の経過は主としてrutkeアイヌの歴史・文化など より 樺太アイヌの強制移住による。

As for the following progress, the history / culture of rutke Ainu principally depends on forced emigration of Sakhalin Ainu more.


Among Ainus who lived in the Sakhalin southern part (about 2200 estimates), it is scheduled that I move, and 841 people live in Hokkaido.


I move and live in Soya (Wakkanai-shi) once.


Takeaki Enomoto || "Russia lets an exile person engage in a coal dig".


I suggest that I am good if I let Sakhalin Ainu whom I emigrated to in Japan do it.


I let I force Ebetsu, and Sakhalin Ainu who emigrated to Bureau of Development, Soya emigrate.


I move you with a special privilege of Sir. Kuroda on Ishikari River.

而して其移すや閣下六等出仕鈴木大亮に命じ、玄武丸に 乗らしめ小樽に航して、札幌の巡査三十人を率い、皆銃を携へしめ、小樽港より宗谷沖に迂回して艀船若干隻を海岸に繋ぐ、樺太移民皆愕然として狼狽し山林に 遁れんと欲すれば、三十人の巡査銃砲を向けて土人を恐迫 す。

If it 而し, and it commands 閣下六等出仕鈴木大亮 as soon as it 其移す, and 乗 occupies it in 玄武丸, and it 航し in Otaru, and it leads 30 policemen of Sapporo, and it occupies all gun to 携, and Sakhalin emigrant all which it detours, and tie 艀船若干隻 to the shore are amazed at the Soya offing from Otaru Harbor, and it is upset, and it wants it with avoidance of ん in the forest, I turn 30 policeman guns, and it is 恐迫 す in an aborigine.


It affects 炮声山河 as 囂々然 which I 然し, and shoot a blank of 玄武丸大砲 in the offing.

樺太の移民、匍匐合掌して震慄せざる者無 し。

I 匍匐合掌し, and 震慄せ, and, an emigrant of Sakhalin, it is colander person nothing し.


I threaten ... Sakhalin emigration aborigine and occupy 乗 in a ship and, in る which succeeded in getting the landing in Otaru, 吐 comes to 此時酋長此兵衛 in blood in Otaru and dies.


In 是 || of third-ranking official resignation || 決意す.