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about Takada Children's Clinic
Our clinic opened at Hoshioki,Sapporo,Japan in 1993.It is a clinic for children.

Profile of me
Kimihiko Takada was born in Sapporo in1952.On graduating from the medical faculty of Gunma university,I began training at the department of pediatrics of Hokkaido unuversiy in 1979.And there I worked and studied in metabolic diseases for aout 5.5 years. I worked as a pediatrician at many hospitals in Hokkaido,especially at Wakkanai city hospital and Hakodate Kyoaikai hospital,I was working as a chief doctor of pediatrics.Now I hope to be a doctor close to the people of this area.

Qualification:medical doctor,certificated by Japan Pediatric Society
Character:gentle,earnest?,a lover of children
Family:wife,two children,a dog

e-mail to kimy@vmail.plala.or.jp