
Accidentally we found baby cats born near our Neighborhood.
We had spent about one hour to take them out from tiny space between metal roof and balcony floor.
They were very cold and wet, we rushed them to the Vet to check if they were still alive.
Fortunately they were fine at that time. We have decided to raise them by ourself...

Brought them to the Vet and had a health check for each of them. They were still wet so doctor clreaned them up and dried them. He gave us several advises for raising kitties. We stoped by store to buy some cat milk and baby bottle.
Taped them with masking tapes to distingush which one is which.

We sccesufuly gave them milk for all of them.

Need to care milk tempature and grams.
The very first night went fine. Giving them milk every 3 to 4 hours and mesure their weight.
Save note about how much they drunk milk,

So tiny, looks like little humster...

Our Dachshund stay near by all the time all day long since kitties came to our home.

Can't forget about kitties.
Second night went fine too.
They getting weight little by little.

They sleep a lot everyday.

They are getting use to drink by human.

Using the masking tapes to distinguish which one is which.

Milk bottle and weight checker.
Unfortunately, One kitten past away this night...
We broughted them to the Vet. Looking for any good advice about their constipation improvement.
Enema at the hospital. Doctor gave us some special oil for kitties to make them improve constipation.

We gave them the special oil with milk.

Very hard to make them drink oil..
Another kitty past away this evening.


Size comparison with iPhone5.
We changed to other poweder milk for better defecation.

He loves rubbing them gently.

So currious

so sleepy

We replaced powder milk with liquid milk for constipation improvement.

Name: M a r u

Sleep well after give them milk

male and female
Four kitties
Two weeks old at this point.
We still don't know about sex yet.
We decided keep one kitty for raise.
Found at neiborhood.
ATTENTION Please read our requirements.
Pets allowed House
Keep cat inside of the house all the time.
Have requre seurgery when it appropriate time.
Let us know your family.
If there any cat in your house now. Let us know your cat history.
Please send us some pictures after take kitty home. We would like to see how they are doing.
Need signature on contract paper.
We would like take a picture when you take a kitty home.
Please submitt copy of your Identification Card.
Prevend Foster fraud please hand in your copy of Identification Card.
Come to meet real kitties and let us know who you want to bring home.
Please come to see feeding milk!!
Contact us anytime for reservartion.
Send us any question or comment.
Please let us know below when you apply for Foster Parents.
Name, Address, Introduction yourself, your family member, type of your residence, any history of cat owner,
and we would like to know why you apply for.
Adress: Hirano Kawanishi-shi, Hyogo
5 minutes by car from "Hirano" station, Nose dentetsu.
20 minutes by car from "Kawanishinoseguchi" station, Hankyu Takarazuka-line.
50 minutes by car from "Toyonaka, Amagasaki, Takarazuka" area.
FOSTER PARENT contact info: mail to
