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14 Feb 2011$B!!(BFrance

February 14 $B!!!!(B2nd day of a trip$B!!!!(B To Bordeaux
The morning of the 2nd.
Breakfast is continental.
The cave of Les Eyzies:
Grotte du Sorcier.
Winter closing
We ate lunch in Bordeaux.
I ate about 3 persons of a certain salad and meat of a goose.

The macaron of the birthplace sells.

The famous sweets of Bordeaux
The greatest Duna de Pyla sand hill in Europe.
That other side is the Atlantic Ocean.

$B@8%,%-$GM-L>$J;:CO!'(BFamous place of production of a raw oyster :
There are no less than three cream puffs in a left dessert.
Comics of Japan were famous as "Manga".

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