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2013-Dec-30 France

During the morning, we went to Albi and went to Carcassonne in the afternoon.
世界遺産:アルビのサント・セシル大聖堂   World heritage:Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile d'Albi 
ヴィユー橋 PONT VIEUX: 1050年の建造で、現存するヨーロッパの橋のなかではもっとも古い橋のひとつ。
One of the oldest bridges in the bridge in Europe which is existing by the construction in 1050.
お昼は暖炉で焼肉。 The lunch roasted meat at the fireplace.
世界遺産:カルカッソンヌ  World heritage: Carcassonne.
 クッキーが山積み Cookie piles in heaps.
We drank delicious liqueur at night.

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