- Normal affine subalgebras of a polynomial ring, Algebraic and Topological Theories - to the memory of Dr. Takehiko MIYATA,
Kinokuniya, 1985, 37-51. pdf
- On the Jacobian Conjecture for Q-homology planes (with R.V. Gurjar), J. reine angew. Math. 516 (1999), 115--132.
- Etale endomorphisms of algebraic surfaces with Gm-actions (with K. Masuda), Math. Ann. 319 (2001), 493--516.
- Open algebraic surfaces, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Vol 12, Universite de Montr'eal, Amer. Math. Soc., 2001.
- Generalized Jacobian conjecture and related topics (with K. Masuda), the
proceedings of International Colloquium on Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry,
427--466 (2002), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and International
Mathematical Union, January, 2000.
- Completely parametrized A1*-fibrations on the affine plane, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics,
33 (2002), 185--201.
- Open algebraic surfaces with finite group actions (with K. Masuda), Transformation Groups 7 (2002), 185--207.
- Equivariant classification of Gorenstein open log del Pezzo surfaces with finite group actions (with De-Qi Zhang), J. Math. Soc. Japan 56 (2004), 215--245.
- The additive group actions on Q-homology planes (with K. Masuda), Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble),
53 (2003), 429--464.
- Automorphisms of affine surfaces with A1-fibrations (with R.V. Gurjar), Michigan Math. J. 53 (2005), 33--55.
- Equivariant cancellation for algebraic varieties (with K. Masuda), Proceedings
of the RSME/AMS meeting in Seville on Affine Algebraic Geometry Conference,
organizedby Jaime Gutierrez, Vladimir Shpilrain, and Jie-Tai Yu, Contemporary
Mathematics 369 (2005), 183--195, American Mathematical Society.
- On two recent views of the Jacobian Conjecture (with T. Kambayashi), Proceedings
of the RSME/AMS meeting in Seville on Affine Algebraic Geometry Conference,
organizedby Jaime Gutierrez, Vladimir Shpilrain, and Jie-Tai Yu, Contemporary
Mathematics 369 (2005), 113--138, American Mathematical Society.
- Affine pseudo-planes and cancellation problem (with K. Masuda), Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 357, No. 12 (2005), 4867--4883.
- Recent developments in affine algebraic geometry, Affine Algebraic Geometry edited by T. Hibi, 307--378, Osaka University Press, 2007, 307--378. pdf
- Lectures on Geometry and Topology of Polynomials - surrounding the Jacobian Conjecture, Lecture Note Series in Mathematics 8, Department of mathematics, Osaka University, 2004. pdf
- Affine lines on affine surfaces and the Makar-Limanov invariant (with R.V.
Gurjar, K. Masuda and P. Russell), Cand. J. Math. 60 (2008), 109--139.
- Affine pseudo-coverings of algebraic surfaces, J. Algebra 294 (2005), 156--176.
- Affine pseudo-planes with torus actions, Transformation Groups 11 (2006), 249--267.
- A geometric approach to the Jacobian conjecture in dimension two, J. Algebra 304 (2006), 1014--1025.
- Smoothness of the images of the members of a linear pencil under an endomorphism of the affine plane (with Pierrette Cassou-Nogues), J. Pure and Applied Algebra,
213 (2009), 711--723.
- Q-factorial subalgebras of polynomial rings, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 32, no. 2--3 (2007), 113--122.
- Ga-actions and completions, J. Algebra 319 (2008), 2845--2854.
- Additive group scheme actions on the integral schemes defined over discrete
valuation rings, a special issue for Professor Paul Roberts, J. Algebra 322 (2009), no. 9, 3331--3344.
- Jacobian problem for singular surfaces (with R.V. Gurjar), J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 48 (2008), 757--764.
- Lifting of locally nilpotent derivations under finite homomorphisms (with K. Masuda), Tohoku Math. J. 61 (2009), 267--286.
- Affine normal surface with simply-connected smooth locus (with R.V. Gurjar, M. Koras and P. Russell), Math. Ann. 353 (2012), 127--144.
- Frobenius sandwiches of affine algebraic surfaces, Affine algebraic geometry, The Russell Festschrift, 243--260, CRM Proceedings and lecture notes
54, Amer. Math. Soc., 2011.
- A homology plane of general type can have at most a cyclic quotient singularity (with R.V. Gurjar, M. Koras and P. Russell), J. Algebraic Geom.
23 (2014), 1--62.
- Masayoshi Nagata (1927--2008) and his mathematics, Kyoto J. Math. 50, No. 4, 2010, 645--659.
- A^1-fibrations on affine threefolds (with R.V. Gurjar and K. Masuda), J. pure and applied algebra 216 (2012), 296--313.
- Algebraic derivations on affine domains, Proc. CAAG 2010, RMS-Lecture Note Series No. 17, 2013, pp.185--198.
- A^1_*-fibrations on affine threefolds (with R. V. Gurjar, M. Koras, K. Masuda and P. Russell), Affine algebraic geometry, Proc. AAG, Osaka 2011,
pp. 62--102, World Scientific.
- Surjective derivations in small dimensions (with R.V. Gurjar and K. Masuda), J. the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 28} (2013), Special Issue, 221--246.
- Deformations of A^1-fibrations (with R.V. Gurjar and K. Masuda), to appear in the proceedings of the Levico Therme conference.
- Pure subrings of commutative rings (with R.V. Gurjar and S. Chakraborty),to appear in Nagoya Math.J.
- On forms of the affine line over a field (with T. Kambayashi), Lecture in Mathematics, Kyoto University, Vol. 10, 1977.