Papers on Nabokov (in English)

An Agent Narrating: Nabokov's "A Slice of Life" (1997)

Boundary-Crossings in Glory and Transparent Things (2000)

Repetition and Ambiguity: Reconsidering Mary (1999/2005)
Translated from the Japanese by Jeff Edmunds

A Failed Reader Redeemed: "Spring in Fialta" and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight (2009)
Nabokov Studies vol.11 (2007/2008):101-125.

Some Subtexts Hidden in Nabokov's Transparent Things
Ivy Never Sere(2010) pp. 215-30.

Some Spiritual Subtexts Hidden in Transparent Things
Revising Nabokov Revising: The Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference (2010) pp. 169-74.

The Last Muse Escapes the Text (2011)
Special Cluster: The Original of Laura
Nabokov Online Journal Vol.5 

Notes on Nabokov (in English)

Angels on the Planks: The Workmen in the Two Scenes in Mary (1999)

Wittgenstein Echoes in Transparent Things (2000)

Rose and Aquamarine: Liza in Pnin (2002)

"On Chapter 1 Stanza 34-48" (2003)
Kyoto University, School of Letters, 21st Century COE Program: "Aspects of 'Translation'"

"The Strange Case of Pushkin as a Polyglot and Nabokov"
Kyoto University, School of Letters, 21st Century COE Program: Commentary to Vladimir Nabokov's Translation of and Commentary to Eugene Onegin (2007) pp. 434-439

"On Chapter 8 Stanza 1-14  "(2007)
Kyoto University, School of Letters, 21st Century COE Program: "Aspects of 'Translation'"

Papers and Notes on Nabokov (text in Japanese)

Sliding Quilty : An Essay on Lolita
IVY 19 (1985): 93-108.

Nonexistence in Fiction : Nabokov's "Signs and Symbols"
IVY 20(1986): 85-96.

Nabokov's Prison
Journal of Liberal Arts, Asahi University 13 (1987): 19-29.

Self-Imitation in Look at the Harlequins!: A Suspended Story
Chubu English Literature 9 (1988): 70-83.

A Questionable Quester : V in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
The Journal of the Society of American Literature of Japan 26 (1989): 59-73.

The Capital of Shadows: Nabokov's Mary 
IVY23 (1990): 201-215.

Lolita Films and "America"
Journal of Nanzan Junior College 27(1999): 15-34.

Repetition and Ambiguity: ReconsideringMary 
Chubu American Literature 2 (1999): 31-45.

Concealed Death : Transparent Things and Other Works 
The Rising Generation 145 / 8 (1999): 512-14.

After 50 Years : Conclusive Evidence, Chapter 16
KRUG 1/1 (1999): 10-14.

Humbert Humbert and Norman Rockwell: Reconsidering Adrian Lyne's Lolita (1997)
Journal of Nanzan Junior College 32 (2004): 39-60.

Some Subtexts for Transparent Things
Journal of Nanzan Junior College 33 (2005): 91-112.

Some Subtexts for Transparent Things_ II
Journal of Nanzan Junior College 34 (2006): 1-20.

Lolita and Her Sisters
Eigo Seinen/The Rising Generation April (2008): 6-13.

Roses and Topaz―Lolita: A Screenplay (2008)
Journal of Nanzan Junior College36 (2008): 3-30.

Invisible Jews
Apied vol.15 (Lolita Special Issue) (2009): 29-31.

Invisible Jews: Lolita Read 50 Years After
Journal of Nanzan Junior College 37 (2010): 45-67.

See also

Ambivalence and Ambiguity: Motherhood/Femininity and Fatherhood/Masculinity in Mirror (1998)