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16 Feb 2011$B!!(BFrance

2$B7n(B16$BF|!!!!%9%Z%$%s!J%P%k%;%m%J!K$X$NN99T!!(BFebruary 16 Travel to Spain (Barcelona)
$B%P%k%;%m%J$K8~$+$C$F=PH/(B We leave toward Barcelona.
World's heritage
$B%T%l%M!<;3L.$K:y$,;w9g$&!#!!!!F|K\$N:y$h$j0l2s$j2V$,Bg$-$$!#!!1&$N A cherry tree suits the Pyrenees. A round flower is larger than a Japanese cherry tree. A right photograph is an olive tree.
$BIJJ*$,K-IY$J%^!<%1%C%H!#(BA market with abundant goods.$B!!(BMercado
$BM-L>$J%Q%(%j%"!!!!(BFamous paella
$B%i%s%V%i%9DL$j$r9A$^$GJb$/!#(BWe walk as Ramblas to a harbor.

The building which Gaudi designed.
Famous Sagrada Familia
4 star hotel Blancafort.
We check health condition, before going into a pool.
With a GPS camera, I check as Ramblas which walked today.
Yuuko is downed by tiredness.
The stomach also of me was tired with daily entertainment.

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