「額賀の定理」 の 証明
The proof of Nukaga's theorem



   帰納的な証明     額賀 博   発見者本人(茨城県)
   幾何学的な証明   中谷 清茂 先生(長野県)
   代数的な証明    平井 安久 先生(岡山大学)

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額賀の定理の証明 PDFファイル 674kb
The proof of Nukaga's theorem (PDF file 674kb)
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The proof of Nukaga's theorem.

This proof is the thing published in the convention of mathematics done in the convention of mathematics done in Nagano Prefecture in 1993 and Ibaraki Prefecture.

Therefore, working school of the proof person is still like those days.

And, the number of pages is from the middle because only the part of the proof was picked out, too.

Approve it.

The proof person (three people ; 3ways) of the theorem.
  * Hiroshi Nukaga. discoverer said person. : Inductive proof.
  * Mr. Kiyoshige Nakaya (Nagano Prefecture junior high school teacher) Geometrical proof.
  * Mr.Yasuhisa Hirai (teacher of Okayama university) Algebra-like proof.

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