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Satoshi Kimoto's World
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“Explorer Spirit” Kimoto Satoshi Alpine Climbing School
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The Alps 1980
There are a small wall, a big wall, and various walls.
The Alps is a very good place for an alpine climber with aspiration.
We can do rock climbing and ice climbing in this area.
These climbing routes has a vertical drop about from 200m to 1000m.
We can climb these routes in a day.
I studied the way of climbing called an alpine style here.
Japan - England Rock Climbing Exchange 1980
All began from here.
Did Alex McIntire think that I did such mountain climbing at that time?
He showed me to some crag with various difficulties.
Although I had suspected dimly that free climbing and an alpine climbing were connected,
it came to this ground and it clarified.
I climbed the route with this grade of 5.7−5.11c.
日英岩登り交流 岩と雪
Nanga Parbat 1981 October‐December ☆
West Face 8125m
The place called Himalaya is a cold place with much snow.
I had thought so for a long time. But it was a mistake.
Because it was the occurrence of special time.
To be sure, it is also interesting to walk and to climb a mountain.
But it is more interesting to reach the frozen wall and a rock face.
International Rock Climbing Competition at yalta in USSR 1982
Power is required too for a climber to climb a wall quickly and certainly.
The power is called technique.
Speed cannot make exact technology and exact physical strength,
if there is nothing.
国際岩登り競技会 岳人
Everest 1983
Angel Fall 1984 ☆
Left Face (New Rout) 5.10b/c、A5+
I like rock-climbing. Therefore, I want to come to climb just, when a wall is seen.
Although it was not an angel, an evil spirit was not there. I climbed the left wall.
Waterfall which has a fall most in the world. Guiana Highlands in Venezuela
TV 驚異!失われた世界
The mountain to climb is much more nearly mentally difficult.
Since it is just going to feel the smell of death familiar there rather than what kind of place.
The pile of such an experience makes a big challenge easy.
Mckinley 1985 March and April
via West Buttress
It is -45 degrees on the summit..
In height with an above sea level of 3500m or more,
they were the 40 or less freezing point every day.
植村直己物語 MOVE
Huntter 1985 April
North Buttress French Couloir
Mckinley 1985 May
via American Direct by alpine style 5.7、A2
It is -45 degrees from -30 degrees during climbing.
It was the same as winter, or colder than it.
Alaska is one of the place very interesting for me.
It is very near there from Japan.
And there is a bigger rock face than the Alps.
There is at least 1000m of vertical drops.
And when it will become big, it is no less than 3000m.
Altitude is 3000m to 6000m.
Alaska can be enjoyed farther than the Alps.
Of course, There is also a route containing difficult free climbing.
That is one of the holy place of an alpine climbing.
マッキンリー南壁アメリカンダイレクト アルパインスタイル登攀
Everest 1985
There is no higher mountain than Everest in the world.
It is the absolute value which Everest has.
However, There are many routes more difficult than the route reached on the top of Everest in the world.
I think that it is just the absolute value that each mountain has for an Alpine climber.
I tried to save other person who was not able to see for the height altitude sickness.
However, that attempt did not progress.
And then, I decided to bivouac at a height altitude.
As the result, my both toe became frostbite.
So I lost the both toe next year.
植村直己物語 MOVE
"Climbing is all about holding on to the will to reach the summit.
Once you lose the will to reach the summit, whatever skills and bodily strength you are blessed with will not be enough.
But if you just keep on going, you are bound to make new discoveries while enduring all kinds of hardship, and you realize that the chance of reaching the summit is always there."
木本 哲
This is a Japanese notation. It reads with
“Satoshi Kimoto”
★=First ascent team of that peak
★/☆=I challenged the new route.
I am reaching more peaks and routes.
Satoshi Kimoto's World(木本哲の登攀と登山の世界)……山学同志会在籍二年目から海外のさまざまな山や岩壁を登りに出かけた
Explorer Spirit 木本哲
Copyright ©2005