ハーケンクロイツ ~ドイツ第三帝国の要人たち~












English translation:

Who does not know Hitler? The Hitler you see in the upper left corner of this page is him.

If we unravel Hitler's background and the process that led to his seizure of power, we can see that he was not simply a cunning madman who was lucky enough to come to power and was overrun by evil forces. For example, the persecution of the Jews was not started by Hitler. It was a trend that had existed for centuries, not only in Germany, but in the rest of Europe as well.

In the island nation of Japan, where there is almost a single ethnic group with almost the same appearance, the idea of excluding another ethnic group with a different appearance is unfamiliar, so the idea of persecuting or despising XX people is considered to be "wrong" or "against humanity". Many people will agree with me. In the not-too-distant past, there was an incident in Japan where the pages of the book "The Diary of Anne Frank" were torn out in some libraries. As the Chief Cabinet Secretary said at the time, Japan has a very low tendency to despise certain ethnic groups.

I know that there are Ryukyu people and Ainu people in Japan, but I have never seen Ainu people with my own eyes. However, these people are Japanese. If I had the opportunity to come in contact with them on a daily basis, for example, and if I lived in such an area, I would consider them to be people with an unfamiliar (minority) appearance. That is exactly what I think when I see a foreigner on the street who does not look Japanese. However, most modern Japanese tend not to feel much more than that, and in that sense, we are blessed.

However, in a huge continent with many countries bordering each other, as well as ethnic diversity, there are sensitivities that are completely different from the Japanese, sensitivities that are difficult for the Japanese to imagine. When it has existed for generations, the changing of the tide is slow and sometimes involves a lot of bloodshed.

In the 1930s, the wheels of fate of Germany and its European neighbors were not set in motion by the dreams of a single madman. The hatred of both the people and their leaders was concentrated in a single point and erupted like magma, and the raging flow of that magma turned the giant wheel of fate and sent it spinning out of control.

It was not that Hitler alone was evil and the people were infected by his evil. In a time of upheaval, a man skilled in capturing the hearts and minds of the people, who longed for a strong leader in the midst of hunger and cold, came together in a timely fashion to create the most fearsome group of violence in history. Hitler only awakened the evil side of the people. The things that this awakened side did and brought about were so enormous and tragic that it has left a strong mark in people's memory and history as a symbol of evil.

And this aspect of Hitler still exists in the minds of people of all nations and races.

This chapter is a transcription of a documentary about Hitler based on historical facts.

